遗传发育所在Plant Cell发文揭示大豆可变剪接变化影响因子
该研究成果2014年3月29日在线发表于Plant Cell 杂志(DOI:10.1105/tpc.114.122739)。田志喜研究组的申妍婷(硕士研究生)和周正奎博士(助理研究员)为该文章的共同第一作者。该研究得到了国家自然科学基金和中科院百人计划资助。
Global Dissection of Alternative Splicing in Paleopolyploid Soybea
Yanting Shen, Zhengkui Zhou, Zheng Wang, Weiyu Li, Chao Fang, Mian Wu, Yanming Ma, Tengfei Liu, Ling-An Kong, De-Liang Peng and Zhixi Tian
Alternative splicing (AS) is common in higher eukaryotes and plays an important role in gene posttranscriptional regulation. It has been suggested that AS varies dramatically among species, tissues, and duplicated gene families of different sizes. However, the genomic forces that govern AS variation remain poorly understood. Here, through genome-wide identification of AS events in the soybean (Glycine max) genome using high-throughput RNA sequencing of 28 samples from different developmental stages, we found that more than 63% of multiexonic genes underwent AS. More AS events occurred in the younger developmental stages than in the older developmental stages for the same type of tissue, and the four main AS types, exon skipping, intron retention, alternative donor sites, and alternative acceptor sites, exhibited different characteristics. global computational analysis demonstrated that the variations of AS frequency and AS types were significantly correlated with the changes of gene features and gene transcriptional level. Further investigation suggested that the decrease of ASwithin the genome-wide duplicated genes were due to the diminution of intron length, exon number, and transcriptional level. Altogether, our study revealed that a large number of genes were alternatively spliced in the soybean genome and that variations in gene structure and transcriptional level may play important roles in regulating AS.
标签: 基因结构 大豆可变剪接 基因组特性 基因表达量