
以1992-2019年中国知网(CNKI)数据库收录的721篇青贮玉米研究的核心期刊论文为研究对象,运用文献分析法,并借助CiteSpace软件绘制知识图谱,对我国青贮玉米研究的文献分布、刊物分布、研究机构、研究热点与趋势等进行可视化分析,旨在全面把握我国青贮玉米领域研究的发展进程,为我国青贮玉米理论研究提供有价值的参考。结果表明:近30年来,我国青贮玉米领域研究呈现波浪式的发展趋势,核心区刊物有10种,目前,从事青贮玉米研究的机构分布广泛,但主要集中在华北、东北等草食畜牧业发达的区域,彼此间的共现网络密度低,合作有待提高;最后,通过对文献的高频关键词与突现词分析,得出我国青贮玉米研究的热点主要围绕在青贮玉米的选育、青贮玉米的营养价值、青贮玉米的用途、如何提高青贮玉米产量、青贮玉米的经济效益等方面;其发展趋势主要集中在青贮玉米发酵品种、全株青贮玉米制作技术、青贮饲料品质以及种植密度与播期、品种与种植模式、施肥方式与土壤类型、栽培方式与播种方式对青贮玉米产量的影响等方面。 英文摘要: Based on the core journal articles of 721 silage maize researches published in CNKI database from 1992 to 2019, using literature analysis method and drawing knowledge map with CiteSpace software, visually analyze the literature distribution, journal distribution, research institutions, core authors, research hotspots and trends of silage maize research in China, aiming at comprehensively grasping the development process of silage maize research in China, and providing valuable reference for theoretical research of silage maize in China. The results show that in the past 30 years, the research on silage maize in China has shown a wave-like development trend, 10 publications in the core area, At present, institutions engaged in silage corn research are widely distributed, but they are mainly concentrated in areas with developed herbivore and animal husbandry industries such as North China and Northeast China. The co-occurrence network between them is low, and cooperation needs to be improved. Finally, through the analysis of high-frequency keywords and emergent words in the literature, it is concluded that the research hotspots of silage maize in China mainly focus on the selection of silage maize, the nutritional value of silage maize, the use of silage maize, how to increase silage maize yield, the economic benefits of silage maize; its development trend is mainly concentrated on silage maize fermented varieties, whole plant silage maize production technology, silage quality and planting density and sowing date, variety and planting pattern, fertilization method and soil type, cultivation method and sowing the impact of the way on the yield of silage maize.