The Plant Cell:中科院遗传所张劲松和陈受宜研究组发现水稻中胚轴

摘要 : 2017年5月2日,国际植物科学顶级期刊《The Plant Cell》在线发表了中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所张劲松研究组和陈受宜研究组与中国农科院作物所黎志康研究团队合作的一篇研究论文

2017年5月2日,国际植物科学顶级期刊《The Plant Cell》在线发表了中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所张劲松研究组和陈受宜研究组与中国农科院作物所黎志康研究团队合作的一篇研究论文,研究发现水稻中胚轴和胚芽鞘调控机制。研究组熊青博士、马彪副研究员和陆翔博士为该论文共同第一作者,马彪博士也是共同通讯作者。


本次研究通过对一个高腰儿突变体gaoyao1 (gy1)的遗传分析,鉴定了调控中胚轴和胚芽鞘伸长的基因。进一步在自然群体中鉴定了该基因的优异等位变异GY1376T。研究表明,GY1是一个定位于叶绿体的磷脂酶A1蛋白,作用于茉莉酸生物合成的第一步。它通过促进茉莉酸的合成从而抑制中胚轴和胚芽鞘的伸长。功能研究和遗传分析表明,OsEIN2和OsEIL2介导的乙烯信号通路通过抑制GY1及其它茉莉酸合成途径基因的表达来下调茉莉酸的含量,促进了细胞的伸长,进而调控了水稻中胚轴和胚芽鞘的长度。深入分析了GY1基因在3000份水稻基因组中的变异情况,发现了不同于gy1突变位点的优异等位变异GY1376T。GY1376T的存在与长中胚轴密切相关(图1)。生化分析表明,GY1376T具有低于对照GY1但高于突变体gy1蛋白的磷脂酶A活性。将对照品种日本晴的GY1376G转化到具有长中胚轴和长胚芽鞘的Kasalath品种(含有等位变异GY1376T)中,可促进茉莉酸合成,抑制中胚轴和胚芽鞘伸长。这项研究揭示了水稻种子萌发出土过程中,乙烯通过抑制茉莉酸合成从而促进中胚轴和胚芽鞘伸长的新颖机制。鉴于等位变异GY1376T在我国水稻品种中存在频率较低,因此,将优异等位变异GY1376T导入到不同主栽品种中,将可能培育新型旱种直播水稻品种,对于农业生产具有重要意义。



Ethylene-Inhibited Jasmonic Acid Biosynthesis Promotes Mesocotyl/Coleoptile Elongation of Etiolated Rice Seedlings


Elongation of the mesocotyl and coleoptile facilitates the emergence of rice seedlings from soil, and is affected by various genetic and environment factors. The regulatory mechanism underlying this process remains largely unclear. Here, we examined the regulation of mesocotyl and coleoptile growth by characterizing a gaoyao1 (gy1) mutant that exhibits a longer mesocotyl and longer coleoptile than its original variety of rice (Oryza sativa). GY1 was identified through map-based cloning and encodes a PLA1-type phospholipase that localizes in chloroplasts. GY1 functions at the initial step of jasmonic acid (JA) biosynthesis to repress mesocotyl and coleoptile elongation in etiolated rice seedlings. Ethylene inhibits the expression of GY1 and other genes in the JA biosynthesis pathway to reduce JA levels and enhance mesocotyl and coleoptile growth by promoting cell elongation. Genetically, GY1 acts downstream of the OsEIN2-mediated ethylene signaling pathway to regulate mesocotyl/coleoptile growth. Through analysis of the re-sequencing data from 3,000 rice accessions, we identified a single natural variation of the GY1 gene, GY1376T, which contributes to mesocotyl elongation in rice varieties. Our study reveals novel insights into the regulatory mechanism of mesocotyl/coleoptile elongation, and should have practical applications in rice breeding programs.

DOI: 10.1105/tpc.16.00981

