研究人员通过结合荧光与基因组原位杂交为基础的核型分析,解析了四个新合成的异源四倍体小麦,其基因组构成分别为SshSshAmAm,SlSlAA , SbSbDD,以及AADD。
刘宝(Bao Liu),教授,是东北师范大学遗传与细胞研究所教育部表观遗传重点实验室长江学者,其早年毕业于南京农业大学,主要从事植物基因组进化和利用远缘杂交及生物技术进行作物遗传改良的研究,在植物异源多倍体基因组进化和利用野生稻改良水稻等方面取得多项成果。研究成果受到国际权威的认可和好评,多篇论文已被国际同行广泛引用。
Intrinsic karyotype stability and gene copy number variations may have laid the foundation for tetraploid wheat formation
Huakun Zhang, Yao Bian, Xiaowan Gou, Yuzhu Dong, Sachin Rustgi, Bangjiao Zhang,Chunming Xu, Ning Li, Bao Qi, Fangpu Han, Diter von Wettstein and Bao Liu
Polyploidy or whole-genome duplication is recurrent in plant evolution, yet only a small fraction of whole-genome duplications has led to successful speciation. A major challenge in the establishment of nascent polyploids is sustained karyotype instability, which compromises fitness. The three putative diploid progenitors of bread wheat, with AA, SS (S ∼ B), and DD genomes occurred sympatrically, and their cross-fertilization in different combinations may have resulted in fertile allotetraploids with various genomic constitutions. However, only SSAA or closely related genome combinations have led to the speciation of tetraploid wheats like Triticum turgidum and Triticum timopheevii. We analyzed early generations of four newly synthesized allotetraploid wheats with genome compositions SshSshAmAm, SlSlAA, SbSbDD, and AADD by combined fluorescence and genomic in situ hybridization-based karyotyping. Results of karyotype analyses showed that although SshSshAmAm and SlSlAA are characterized by immediate and persistent karyotype stability, massive aneuploidy and extensive chromosome restructuring are associated with SbSbDD and AADD in which parental subgenomes showed markedly different propensities for chromosome gain/loss and rearrangements. Although compensating aneuploidy and reciprocal translocation between homeologs prevailed, reproductive fitness was substantially compromised due to chromosome instability. Strikingly, localized genomic changes in repetitive DNA and copy-number variations in gene homologs occurred in both chromosome stable lines, SshSshAmAm and SlSlAA. Our data demonstrated that immediate and persistent karyotype stability is intrinsic to newly formed allotetraploid wheat with genome combinations analogous to natural tetraploid wheats. This property, coupled with rapid gene copy-number variations, may have laid the foundation of tetraploid wheat establishment.