Plant Biotechnology Journal:上海生科院发现杨树CYP714基因参与植物株高

摘要 : 3月11日,Plant Biotechnology Journal 在线发表了中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所张洪霞研究组题为Ectopic expression of a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase gene PtCYP714A3 from Populus trichocarpa reduces shoot growth and improves tolerance to salt stress in transgenic rice 的研究论文。该工作揭示了杨树来源的PtCYP714A3基因不但通过降解GA参与植物株高的调控,而且影响植物体内钠、钾离子的分布,从而提高了转基因植物的耐盐性。 该研究组的副研究员王翠亭等从杨树中克隆了CYP714A3基因,功能互补实验表明该基因能够互补水稻OsCYP714D1/Eui突变体的株高表型。将PtCYP714A3基因在野生型水稻中过量表达获得的转基因水稻具有半矮化表型,GA组分含量测定和GA合成与信号途径相关marker基因表达分析结果表明,杨树PtCYP714A3与拟南芥AtCYP714A2在参与

3月11日,Plant Biotechnology Journal 在线发表了中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所张洪霞研究组题为Ectopic expression of a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase gene PtCYP714A3 from Populus trichocarpa reduces shoot growth and improves tolerance to salt stress in transgenic rice 的研究论文。该工作揭示了杨树来源的PtCYP714A3基因不但通过降解GA参与植物株高的调控,而且影响植物体内钠、钾离子的分布,从而提高了转基因植物的耐盐性。




Ectopic expression of a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase gene PtCYP714A3 fromPopulus trichocarpa reduces shoot growth and improves tolerance to salt stress in transgenic rice


In Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa, the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 714 protein family represents a unique group of CYP monooxygenase, which functions as a shoot-specific regulator in plant development through gibberellin deactivation. Here, we report the functional characterizations of PtCYP714A3, an OsCYP714D1/Eui homologue from Populus trichocarpa. PtCYP714A3 was ubiquitously expressed with the highest transcript level in cambium–phloem tissues, and was greatly induced by salt and osmotic stress in poplar.


