
摘要 : 2016年3月28日, 国际著名学术期刊《美国国家科学院院刊》杂志在线发表了加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校种子生物技术中心(UC Davis Seed Biotechnology Center)和中国农科院植保所魏守辉研究组的研究发现


2016年3月28日, 国际著名学术期刊《美国国家科学院院刊》杂志在线发表了加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校种子生物技术中心(UC Davis Seed Biotechnology Center)和中国农科院植保所魏守辉研究组的研究发现,研究表明已知可以指导种子休眠深度和萌发时间的基因也可以影响开花。研究也揭示了同一个基因通过微小RNA调节着种子的萌发时间和成年植株的开花时间。



在最近对莴苣及模式植物拟南芥的研究中,加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校种子生物技术中心(UC Davis Seed Biotechnology Center)和中国的研究人员首次发现,已知可以指导种子休眠深度和萌发时间的基因也可以影响开花。进一步研究表明,基因通过影响某些微小核糖核酸——一种小片段的遗传物质从而控制植物从一个生命周期转变到另一个周期。


“这表示‘延迟萌发1’(DOG1)基因是一个环境传感器,可以监测环境变化并使植物既保持种子休眠状态又延迟开花。”论文作者、种子生物技术中心主任植物学家Kent Bradford说。





“这为协调种子休眠与开花特性以适应环境提供了分子遗传机制方面的证据,”Heqiang "Alfred" Huo说,他是Bradford实验室的一名博士后研究员。



DELAY OF GERMINATION1 (DOG1) regulates both seed dormancy and flowering time through microRNA pathways


Seed germination and flowering, two critical developmental transitions in plant life cycles, are coordinately regulated by genetic and environmental factors to match plant establishment and reproduction to seasonal cues. The DELAY OF GERMINATION1 (DOG1) gene is involved in regulating seed dormancy in response to temperature and has also been associated genetically with pleiotropic flowering phenotypes across diverse Arabidopsis thaliana accessions and locations. Here we show that DOG1 can regulate seed dormancy and flowering times in lettuce (Lactuca sativa, Ls) and Arabidopsis through an influence on levels of microRNAs (miRNAs) miR156 and miR172. In lettuce, suppression of LsDOG1 expression enabled seed germination at high temperature and promoted early flowering in association with reduced miR156 and increased miR172 levels. In Arabidopsis, higher miR156 levels resulting from overexpression of the MIR156gene enhanced seed dormancy and delayed flowering. These phenotypic effects, as well as conversion ofMIR156 transcripts to miR156, were compromised in DOG1 loss-of-function mutant plants, especially in seeds. Overexpression of MIR172 reduced seed dormancy and promoted early flowering in Arabidopsis, and the effect on flowering required functional DOG1. Transcript levels of several genes associated with miRNA processing were consistently lower in dry seeds of Arabidopsis and lettuce when DOG1 was mutated or its expression was reduced; in contrast, transcript levels of these genes were elevated in a DOG1 gain-of-function mutant. Our results reveal a previously unknown linkage between two critical developmental phase transitions in the plant life cycle through a DOG1–miR156–miR172 interaction.

doi: 10.1073/pnas.1600558113

作者:Heqiang Huo, Shouhui
