
摘要 : 近日,最新一期的国际学术期刊英国皇家学会期刊《Proceedings of the Royal Society B》杂志上在线发表了中国科学院版纳植物园动植物关系研究组陈进研究员与美国Morton树木园科技人员合作的一篇题为Pollinator sharing and gene flow among closely related sympatric dioecious fig taxa的研究论文

近日,最新一期的国际学术期刊英国皇家学会期刊《Proceedings of the Royal Society B》杂志上在线发表了中国科学院版纳植物园动植物关系研究组陈进研究员与美国Morton树木园科技人员合作的一篇题为Pollinator sharing and gene flow among closely related sympatric dioecious fig taxa的研究论文,王刚博士为论文第一作者。

榕树与其传粉小蜂一对一关系被作为一模式系统,用以研究动植物如何通过协同进化,促进双方的物种分化与多样性共存。然而,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园动植物关系研究组新的研究表明,榕小蜂并没有想象的那样专一,同域分布的榕树种间杂交和种间基因交流非常普遍,研究结果以在线发表在 上。





Pollinator sharing and GENE flow among closely related sympatric dioecious fig taxa


Hybridization and insect pollination are widely believed to increase rates of plant diversification. The extreme diversity of figs (Ficus) and their obligate pollinators, fig wasps (Agaonidae), provides an opportunity to examine the possible role of pollinator-mediated hybridization in plant diversification. Increasing evidence suggests that pollinator sharing and hybridization occurs among fig taxa, despite relatively strict coevolution with the pollinating wasp. Using five sympatric dioecious fig taxa and their pollinators, we examine the degree of pollinator sharing and inter-taxa gene flow. We experimentally test pollinator preference for floral volatiles, the main host recognition signal, from different figs. All five fig taxa shared pollinators with other taxa, and gene flow occurred between fig taxa within and between sections. Floral volatiles of each taxon attracted more than one pollinator species. Floral volatiles were more similar between closely related figs, which experienced higher levels of pollinator sharing and inter-taxa gene flow. This study demonstrates that pollinator sharing and inter-taxa gene flow occurs among closely related sympatric dioecious fig taxa and that pollinators choose the floral volatiles of multiple fig taxa. The implications of pollinator sharing and inter-taxa gene flow on diversification, occurring even in this highly specialized obligate pollination system, require further study.

DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.2963

