Global Change Biology :中科院张西美博士等在研究土壤微生物多样性

摘要 : 近日,国际著名学术期刊《Global Change Biology 》在线发表了题为“Environmental changes affect the assembly of soil bacterial community primarily by mediating stochastic processes”的研究论文,在研究土壤微生物多样性的调节机制领域取得重大进展。论文第一作者是中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所生态化学计量学组的张西美博士,通讯作者是中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所的韩兴国研究员。

近日,国际著名学术期刊《global Change biology 》在线发表了题为“Environmental changes affect the assembly of soil bacterial community primarily by mediating stochastic processes”的研究论文,在研究土壤微生物多样性的调节机制领域取得重大进展。论文第一作者是中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所生态化学计量学组的张西美博士,通讯作者是中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所的韩兴国研究员。



在另外一项关于土壤微生物多样性的研究中,张西美及其合作者分离开了生态过程和进化过程在驱动土壤微生物多样性中的相对贡献。水温是驱动高等动植物的最重要的生态因素,不同于高等生物,土壤pH是影响微生物群落的最重要的因素。生物与环境之间的关系有两个方面:一方面环境变化会过滤掉不适应的物种;另一方面,生物会通过进化过程来适应环境变化,或者别的地方适应这种环境的物种会迁移过来。因此,有三种潜在的机制类型:生态过滤和进化适应两种过程都不起作用;仅仅生态过滤起作用;进化适应抵消了生态过滤的部分作用效果。陆地生态系统是海洋起源的,因而原始的土壤是接近中性的,长期的生物地球化学过程使得有些生态系统逐渐酸化。研究者们研究了在这种大的时间尺度上的土壤酸化过程改变土壤细菌多样性过程中生态过滤和进化适应的相对贡献,并提出了一个理论分析框架,论证两种过程在两种时间尺度上的7种组合情况,并预测了每种情况对应的多样性模式,根据真实的多样性模式,即可反推机理。研究结果发现三种机制都在起作用;不同的微生物类群是由不同类型的机制驱动的,第三种是最主要的类型;整个细菌域作为一个群体是由第三种机制驱动的。这一研究结果“Mechanisms of soil acidification reducing bacterial diversity”发表在Soil BioLogy and Biochemistry 杂志上。


Environmental changes affect the assembly of soil bacterial community primarily by mediating stochastic processes


Both ‘species fitness difference’-based deterministic processes, such as competitive exclusion and environmental filtering, and ‘species fitness difference’-independent stochastic processes, such as birth/death and dispersal/colonization, can influence the assembly of soil microbial communities. However, how both types of processes are mediated by anthropogenic environmental changes has rarely been explored. Here we report a novel and general pattern that almost all anthropogenic environmental changes that took place in a grassland ecosystem affected soil bacterial community assembly primarily through promoting or restraining stochastic processes. We performed four experiments mimicking 16 types of environmental changes and separated the compositional variation of soil bacterial communities caused by each environmental change into deterministic and stochastic components, with a recently developed method. Briefly, because the difference between control and treatment communities is primarily caused by deterministic processes, the deterministic change was quantified as (mean compositional variation between treatment and control) – (mean compositional variation within control). The difference among replicate treatment communities is primarily caused by stochastic processes, so the stochastic change was estimated as (mean compositional variation within treatment) – (mean compositional variation within control). The absolute of the stochastic change was greater than that of the deterministic change across almost all environmental changes, which was robust for both taxonomic and functional-based criterion. Although the deterministic change may become more important as environmental changes last longer, our findings showed that changes usually occurred through mediating stochastic processes over 5 years, challenging the traditional determinism-dominated view.

DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13080

