Apache HBase 1.2.1 HBase 发布,分布式数据库

Apache HBase 1.2.1 HBase 发布了,HBase – Hadoop Database,是一个高可靠性、高性能、面向列、可伸缩的分布式存储系统,利用HBase技术可在廉价PC Server上搭建起大规模结构化存储集群。


* [HBASE-15441] - Fix WAL splitting when region has moved multiple times

* [HBASE-15219] - Canary tool does not return non-zero exit code when

one of regions is in stuck state

* [HBASE-15325] - ResultScanner allowing partial result will miss the

rest of the row if the region is moved between two

rpc requests

* [HBASE-15378] - Scanner cannot handle heartbeat message with no


下载地址: https://www.apache.org/dist/hbase/1.2.1/hbase-1.2.1-src.tar.gz.mds
