以玉米自交系‘昌7-2’授粉后不同天数的玉米籽粒为研究对象,通过实时荧光定量PCR技术,对玉米中3个Polycomb Repressive Complex 2(PRC2)基因Mez1(Maize enhancer of zeste 1),Fie1(Fertilization independent endosperm 1)和Vef101(VEF family protein 101)在授粉后不同天数的表达情况进行研究。结果表明,Mez1、Fie1和Vef101在授粉后籽粒发育不同阶段均有表达。Fie1在籽粒发育过程中呈先上升后下降的趋势,授粉后10d表达量最高,表明Fie1可能在籽粒由胚胎形成到干物质积累的过渡时期发挥调控作用。Mez1在籽粒发育过程中呈先下降后上升的趋势,授粉后10d表达量最低,籽粒发育后期表达量明显上升,表明Mez1可能在籽粒淀粉积累过程中发挥调控作用。Vef101只在授粉后5d的籽粒中呈现高表达,其他时期表达量均较低,表明Vef101可能在玉米籽粒发育早期胚胎形成过程中发挥调控作用。
The expression profiles of 3 Polycomb Repressive Complex 2(PRC2) genes (Fie1、Mez1 and Vef101)in different developmental stages of maize seed(Zea mays L.inbred line,‘Chang 7-2’)were analyzed by the method of real-time quantitative PCR.Results showed that Fie1, Mez1 and Vef101 were all expressed during maize seed development. The expression of Fie1 firstly increased then decreased in the process of seed maturation, exhibiting much more accumulation at the 10th day after pollination (DAP), which indicated that Fie1 might play roles in the transition from embryogenesis to nutrient accumulation. While Mez1 exhibited an expression pattern of being firstly decreased then increased during seed development, with the lowest expression at the 10th DAP, and accumulated more at the late stage of seed maturation, which indicated that Mez1 might play roles in the regulation of nutrient accumulation of seed. Vef101 was accumulated more at the 5th DAP, the expression of other stages were low, which indicated that Vef101 might play roles in the embryogenesis of maize seed development.