2016年3月21日,国际著名学术期刊《PNAS》在线发表了题为“Structural basis of rifampin inactivation by rifampin phosphotransferase”的研究论文,揭示了RPH磷酸化利福平及利福霉素类抗生素导致其失活的分子机制。中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所戚晓峰为论文的第一作者,张鹏研究员为通讯作者。
利福平(Rifampin, RIF)属于利福霉素类抗生素,是目前治疗结核病的一线药物,并被广泛应用于其他细菌感染的治疗。长期大量使用利福平导致致病菌对其产生多种耐药性,严重影响了结核等传染病的防御和治疗,而耐药机理的研究对解决细菌耐药性至关重要。RPH是一类导致细菌对利福霉素类抗生素产生耐受的抗性蛋白,其通过消耗ATP磷酸化利福平及利福霉素(C21位羟基),使其丧失抑菌活性。然而人们对RPH的催化机理却不清楚。
在本项工作中,张鹏研究组的博士研究生齐晓峰等解析了致病菌Listeria monocytoGENEs来源的利福平磷酸转移酶(LmRPH)催化过程不同底物结合状态的晶体结构。通过结构比较、酶活测定、抑菌实验、质谱分析等实验手段,研究人员发现LmRPH由三个独立的结构域组成:ATP结合结构域(ATP-binding domain, AD)、RIF结合结构域(RIF-binding domain, RD)和一个含有关键催化位点组氨酸的结构域(His-containing domain, HD)。AD上的ATP结合位点和RD上的RIF结合位点相距较远(49Å),HD可以在AD和RD之间摆动从而实现磷酸基团从ATP到RIF的传递。HD在此过程中稳定了AD对ATP的结合,并与RD共同形成RIF结合口袋。RIF的主要分子构架(安莎桥和萘酚环)通过疏水作用结合在LmRPH分子表面的结合口袋内,而其R基团游离在口袋外,这一发现解释了为什么RPH对利福霉素家族其他成员同样具有活性。RIF磷酸化位点附近的四个氨基酸His825, Arg666, Lys670和Gln337在催化过程发挥重要作用,其中来自HD的His825在ATP的存在下可被磷酸化,很可能在催化过程中负责磷酸基团的转移。基于上述结果,研究人员提出了RPH催化利福霉素磷酸化的分子机理,而这一磷酸化很可能导致利福霉素对其靶点蛋白(细菌RNA聚合酶)的结合力降低从而丧失抑菌活性。该研究为新一代利福霉素类抗生素的研发指出了方向。
Structural basis of rifampin inactivation by rifampin phosphotransferase
Rifampin (RIF) is a first-line drug used for the treatment of tuberculosis and other bacterial infections. Various RIF resistance mechanisms have been reported, and recently an RIF-inactivation enzyme, RIF phosphotransferase (RPH), was reported to phosphorylate RIF at its C21 hydroxyl at the cost of ATP. However, the underlying molecular mechanism remained unknown. Here, we solve the structures of RPH from Listeria monocytogenes (LmRPH) in different conformations. LmRPH comprises three domains: an ATP-binding domain (AD), an RIF-binding domain (RD), and a catalytic His-containing domain (HD). Structural analyses reveal that the C-terminal HD can swing between the AD and RD, like a toggle switch, to transfer phosphate. In addition to its catalytic role, the HD can bind to the AD and induce conformational changes that stabilize ATP binding, and the binding of the HD to the RD is required for the formation of the RIF-binding pocket. A line of hydrophobic residues forms the RIF-binding pocket and interacts with the 1-amino, 2-naphthol, 4-sulfonic acid and naphthol moieties of RIF. The R group of RIF points toward the outside of the pocket, explaining the low substrate selectivity of RPH. Four residues near the C21 hydroxyl of RIF, His825, Arg666, Lys670, and Gln337, were found to play essential roles in the phosphorylation of RIF; among these the His825 residue may function as the phosphate acceptor and donor. Our study reveals the molecular mechanism of RIF phosphorylation catalyzed by RPH and will guide the development of a new generation of rifamycins.