
摘要 : 2016年3月14日,国际著名学术期刊《PNAS》在线发表了维也纳大学生物物理化学系主任Annette Rompel研究团队的成果:“Aurone synthase is a catechol oxidase with hydroxylase activity and provides insights into the mechanism of plant polyphenol oxidases ”。首次对橙酮合酶进行了描述并首次提出了橙酮合酶的晶体结构。

2016年3月14日,国际著名学术期刊《PNAS》在线发表了维也纳大学生物物理化学系主任Annette Rompel研究团队的成果:“Aurone synthase is a catechol oxidase with hydroxylase activity and provides insights into the mechanism of plant polyphenol oxidases ”。首次对橙酮合酶进行了描述并首次提出了橙酮合酶的晶体结构。

我们都知道,切开的苹果或烂熟的水果会褐变。Annette Rompel对这个现象非常了解。20多年来,她一直在研究酪氨酸酶,这种酶不仅存在于植物中,而且还会使人的皮肤变成棕色。


除了酪氨酸酶之外,另一酶——称为儿茶酚氧化酶,能够氧化联苯酚,例如邻苯二酚。Rompel说:“因此,这两种酶都会引起褐变反应。”第一作者Christian Molitor指出:“这些酶在各种细胞中及其天然底物的实际生理作用,仍是未知的。”







Aurone synthase is a catechol oxidase with hydroxylase activity and provides insights into the mechanism of plant polyphenol oxidases


Tyrosinases and catechol oxidases belong to the family of polyphenol oxidases (PPOs). Tyrosinases catalyze the o-hydroxylation and oxidation of phenolic compounds, whereas catechol oxidases were so far defined to lack the hydroxylation activity and catalyze solely the oxidation of o-diphenolic compounds. Aurone synthase from Coreopsis grandiflora (AUS1) is a specialized plant PPO involved in the anabolic pathway of aurones. We present, to our knowledge, the first crystal structures of a latent plant PPO, its mature active and inactive form, caused by a sulfation of a copper binding histidine. Analysis of the latent proenzyme’s interface between the shielding C-terminal domain and the main core provides insights into its activation mechanisms. As AUS1 did not accept common tyrosinase substrates (tyrosine and tyramine), the enzyme is classified as a catechol oxidase. However, AUS1 showed hydroxylase activity toward its natural substrate (isoliquiritigenin), revealing that the hydroxylase activity is not correlated with the acceptance of common tyrosinase substrates. Therefore, we propose that the hydroxylase reaction is a general functionality of PPOs. molecular dynamics simulations of docked substrate–enzyme complexes were performed, and a key residue was identified that influences the plant PPO’s acceptance or rejection of tyramine. Based on the evidenced hydroxylase activity and the interactions of specific residues with the substrates during the molecular dynamics simulations, a novel catalytic reaction mechanism for plant PPOs is proposed. The presented results strongly suggest that the physiological role of plant catechol oxidases were previously underestimated, as they might hydroxylate their—so far unknown—natural substrates in vivo.

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1523575113

作者:Christian Molitor
