

最近在国际著名期刊《Oncotarget》杂志上发表一项新研究中,来自加拿大康考迪亚大学和Idunn Technologies Inc的研究人员,揭示了一个重要的因素:含有六组抗衰老分子的植物提取物。

在这项研究中,研究小组对Idunn Technologies Inc广泛的生物库进行了搜寻,进行了10000多项试验,来筛选能延长酵母时序寿命的植物提取物。


这项研究的资深作者、康考迪亚大学生物系的Vladimir Titorenko教授说:“总的来说,我们发现了六组分子,可减缓酵母的时序衰老。”他与该校学生以及Idunn Technologies创始人Éric Simard进行了这项研究。







“但是首先,我们必须做更多的研究。这就是为什么Idunn Technologies Inc与其他四所大学的六个科研项目进行合作的原因,除了酵母之外,我们还将使用一种衰老动物模型以及两种癌模型,进行研究。”(来源:生物通 王英)

Discovery of plant extracts that greatly delay yeast chronological aging and have different effects on longevity-defining cellular processes

Abstract We discovered six plant extracts that increase yeast chronological lifespan to a significantly greater extent than any of the presently known longevity-extending chemical compounds. One of these extracts is the most potent longevity-extending pharmacological intervention yet described. We show that each of the six plant extracts is a geroprotector which delays the onset and decreases the rate of yeast chronological aging by eliciting a hormetic stress response. We also show that each of these extracts has different effects on cellular processes that define longevity in organisms across phyla. These effects include the following: 1) increased mitochondrial respiration and membrane potential; 2) augmented or reduced concentrations of reactive oxygen species; 3) decreased oxidative damage to cellular proteins, membrane lipids, and mitochondrial and nuclear genomes; 4) enhanced cell resistance to oxidative and thermal stresses; and 5) accelerated degradation of neutral lipids deposited in lipid droplets. Our findings provide new insights into mechanisms through which chemicals extracted from certain plants can slow biological aging.

