Biol Fert Soils:中科院吴金水研究组发表水稻光合碳的微生物利用机

摘要 : 2016年3月1日,在《Biology and Fertility of Soils》杂志上在线发表中科院亚热带农业生态研究所吴金水研究员领衔的农业生态过程方向研究团队在水稻光合碳的微生物利用机制方面取得了新研究进展文章

2016年3月1日,在《BioLogy and Fertility of Soils》杂志上在线发表中科院亚热带农业生态研究所吴金水研究员领衔的农业生态过程方向研究团队在水稻光合碳的微生物利用机制方面取得了新研究进展文章,研究成果题为Microbial utilization of rice root exudates: 13C labeling and PLFA composition。审稿人和编辑认为“这是一个有趣和创新贡献的文稿;这个主题很有趣,因为相对于旱地土壤作物的根际沉积来说,在淹水条件下研究水稻根际沉积的研究则较少;该文稿的结果很有说服力。”



图1 水稻光合碳向土壤微生物生物量和磷脂脂肪酸组分快速转移


Microbial utilization of rICE root exudates: 13C labeling and PLFA composition


The soluble components of rhizodeposition—root exudates—are the most important sources of readily available carbon (C) for rhizosphere microorganisms. The first steps of exudate utilization by microorganisms define all further flows of root C in the soil, including recycling and stabilization. Nevertheless, most studies have traced root exudates C much later after its initial uptake by microorganisms. To understand microbial uptake and utilization of rice root exudates, we traced 13C incorporated into microbial groups by 13C profiles of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) within a short time (6 h) after 13CO2 pulse labeling. Labeling was conducted five times during three growth stages: active root growth (within the 21 days after transplanting), rapid shoot growth (37 and 45 days), and rapid reproduction (53 and 63 days). 13C was quickly assimilated throughout the rhizosphere microorganism, and the incorporation rate increased with rice maturity. Despite low redox conditions in paddy soil, fungi outcompeted bacteria in utilizing the root exudates. At all growth stages, fungal PLFAs (18:2 w6, 9c/18:0) showed the highest 13C levels, whereas actinomycete PLFAs (16:0 10-methyl) showed the lowest 13C incorporation. Principal component analysis revealed that the rhizosphere microbial community differed among rice growth stages, whereas the whole microbial community remained stable. In conclusion, the rapid incorporation of carbon from root exudates into microorganisms in paddy soils depends on the growth stage of the rice plant and is the first step of C utilization in rice rhizosphere, further defining C utilization and stabilization.


