
论文通过因子分析法及回归分析,探究各因素对中国种业走出去的影响程度及显著性。结果表明,企业创新能力对中国种业走出去的影响最大,其次是政府环境、东道国环境、市场环境,因此企业首先要增强自主研发能力,并充分了解目标国的知识产权保护情况;对于政府而言,不仅要提供良好、规范的市场秩序,更要加大对种子企业的扶持力度,为中国种子企业走出去提供必要的支持和服务。 英文摘要: The paper with factor analysis method and regression analysis method,to find out the degree and significance of the factors influencing on China\&\#39\;s seed industry going out. The results show that innovation ability of enterprise makes the biggest influence on Chinese seed industry going out, followed by is the government environment, the host country environment, and the domestic market environment. Therefore, enterprises should enhance the ability of R & D capability, and fully understand the target country\&\#39\;s intellectual property protection. For the government,on one hand, it should provide a good, standardized market order, on the other hand, it need to provide the necessary support and services for Chinese seed companies.