
摘要 : 美国夏威夷大学科研人员报告说,在大企业和环保非政府组织(NGOs)之间达成的自愿的、市场驱动的协议能够帮助减少对森林的砍伐。

美国夏威夷大学科研人员报告说,在大企业和环保非政府组织(NGOs)之间达成的自愿的、市场驱动的协议能够帮助减少对森林的砍伐。生态认证体系和自愿的自然保护协议被认为是减缓森林砍伐的强有力的工具,但是一直以来非常缺乏对不同体制的相对成功的评估机会。Robert Heilmayr 和eric Lambin比较了来自智利的3个、目的是制止森林砍伐的森林保护项目的保护结果。这些政策包括一个大型的产业界制定的认证项目,一个非政府组织(NGO) 发起的暂停森林砍伐,以及涉及产业界与非政府组织(NGOs)之间合作的一个认证项目。这组作者报告说,平均起来,智利的非国家自然保护项目减少了森林砍伐达2%到23%。涉及产业界和非政府组织(NGOs)之间大量合作的政策比仅仅由产业界或非政府组织(NGOs)单独设计的对抗策略在减缓森林砍伐方面更有效。这些结果也提示,与许多常常把目标放在森林砍伐低的地区的政府自然保护政策形成对照的是,私营的、市场驱动的自然保护项目能在森林砍伐高的地区降低森林砍伐率。这组作者说,量化多个非国家、市场驱动的自然保护项目的环境结果,可能有助于利益攸关方减少农产品、木材和矿物领域的不断增长的全球贸易驱动的环境退化。


Impacts of nonstate, market-driven goveRNAnce on Chilean forests


global markets for agricultural products, timber, and minerals are critically important drivers of deforestation. The supply chains driving land use change may also provide opportunities to halt deforestation. Market campaigns, moratoria, and certification schemes have been promoted as powerful tools to achieve conservation goals. Despite their promise, there have been few opportunities to rigorously quantify the ability of these nonstate, market-driven (NSMD) governance regimes to deliver conservation outcomes. This study analyzes the impacts of three NSMD governance systems that sought to end the conversion of natural forests to plantations in Chile at the start of the 21st century. Using a multilevel, panel dataset of land use changes in Chile, we identify the impact of participation within each of the governance regimes by implementing a series of matched difference-in-differences analyses. Taking advantage of the mosaic of different NSMD regimes adopted in Chile, we explore the relative effectiveness of different policies. NSMD governance regimes reduced deforestation on participating properties by 2–23%. The NSMD governance regimes we studied included collaborative and confrontational strategies between environmental and industry stakeholders. We find that the more collaborative governance systems studied achieved better environmental performance than more confrontational approaches. Whereas many government conservation programs have targeted regions with little likelihood of conversion, we demonstrate that NSMD governance has the potential to alter behavior on high-deforestation properties.

doi: 10.1073/pnas.1600394113

作者:Robert Heilmayr 和 E
