玉米自交系掖81162是我国北方重要的种质资源,对其进行回交改良具有重要的育种价值。本文以53个玉米自交系为供体创造的85份掖81162回交导入系(BC3F6)为材料,评价其产量及相关性状,并将供试回交导入系与分属不同类群的4个测验种按照NCII设计配制了344个杂交组合,评价供试回交导入系的配合力水平。结果表明, C22、C39、C40、C46、C47、C61、C69、C75和C85等9个回交导入系各有6个性状上优于轮回亲本;回交导入系C14、C64各有5个产量相关性状一般配合力效应优于轮回亲本,C06、C26、C28、C29、C30、C43、C69、C73、C79和C84各有4个产量相关性状一般配合力效应值优于轮回亲本;单株产量特殊配合力效应排在前五位的组合分别是四-444-1208×C12、四-444-1208×C79、四-444-1208×C84、Mo17-042×C40、四-444-1208×C38,其结果对于掖81162回交导入系在黑龙江省乃至我国的玉米育种中的有效利用具有重要参考价值。
Backcross improvement for maize inbred line Ye81162, one of the important germplasm resources, was valuable for maize breeding in northern China. Eighty-five introgression lines BC3F6 generated from repeated backcross were used as the plant materials, in which 53 maize inbred lines were donor parents, Ye81162 was the recurrent parent. Nine yield related traits were analyzed. 344 crosses were developed by 85 female introgression lines and 4 male standard testers by NC-II design and yield related traits were evaluated in combining ability analysis. The results showed that nine introgression lines, C22, C39, C40, C46, C47, C61, C69, C75 and C85, were superior to recurrent parent. The general combining ability (GCA) of lines C14 and C64 was superior to recurrent parental line on five yield related traits. GCA of some lines was superior to Ye81162 on four yield related traits, such as C06, C26, C28, C29, C30, C43, C69, C73, C79 and C84. Top five cross combinations with the higher special combining ability (SCA) in yields per plant were Si-444-1208×C12, Si-444-1208×C79, Si-444-1208×C84, Mo17-042×C40 and Si-444-1208×C38. The results would be benefit for using Ye81162 in maize breeding in Heilongjiang province and all over China.