
以早熟杂交玉米品种新玉29号、新玉35号以及晚熟品种郑单958和先玉335种子为材料,测定了授粉后不同时期种子发芽指数、活力指数、田间出苗率,分析了种子活力与成熟度的关系。结果表明,在新疆地区早熟玉米品种在授粉后45~48d(黑层出现前3~6d),其含水量29.1%~34.3%时收获可获较得高活力种子;而晚熟品种在授粉后54~57d(黑层出现前3~6d),含水量34.7%~38.1%时收获可获得高活力种子。本研究为可新疆地区高活力玉米种子生产提供技术支持。 英文摘要: Four maize hybrids, Xinyu 29, Xinyu 35, Xianyu 335 and zhengdan 958 were used in this study. The germination rates and vigor of the harvested seeds of the four cultivars were investgated using standard germination tests and field investigations. The relationship corn hybrid seed maturity and seed vigor was analyzed. The results showed that the early maturing varieties seeds, Xinyu 29, Xinyu 35, has a better performance with higher vigor on the 45th to 48th d after pollination, the 3th to 6th d before black layer appearing and with moistures content 29.1% to 34.3% And the late maturing varieties seeds, Xianyu 335 and zhengdan 958,have a higher vigor on the 54th to 57th d after pollination(3 to 6 d before black layer appearing), and with the moistures content 34.7% to 38.1%, The conclusion will provide some thoery support for maize higher vigor seed production.