河南科技大学张联合课题组和中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所储成才课题组合作,通过遗传、分子、生理等手段发现,水稻中的亚硒酸盐是通过磷转运子吸收,并鉴定了一个具有很强转运亚硒酸盐特性的磷转运子。相关文章发表于2013年11月11日的《New Phytologist》杂志上。
张联合,男,汉族。1970年2月出生于河南省扶沟县。1989年9月-1992年6月,在洛阳农专农学系学习; 1992年8月-1999年9月,在河南省扶沟县鸿昌职业高中任教;1999年9月-2002年6月,在河南农业大学攻读硕士;2002年9月-2005年7月,在中科院南京土壤所攻读博士,于2005年7月获得博士学位; 2005年7月至今在河南科技大学工作,副教授、硕士生导师。研究方向为植物营养生理。在水稻吸收亚硒酸盐生理机制方面有自己的研究特色,提出了不同形式亚硒酸盐能够通过不同方式进入水稻根内的观点。
OsPT2, a phosphate transporter, is involved in the active uptake of selenite in rice
Lianhe Zhang, Bin Hu,Wei Li, Ronghui Che, Kun Deng, Hua Li, Feiyan Yu,Hongqing Ling, Youjun Li, Chengcai Chu
Selenite is a predominant form of selenium (Se) available to plants, especially in anaerobic soils, but the molecular mechanism of selenite uptake by plants is not well understood.
ltn1, a rice mutant previously shown to have increased phosphate (Pi) uptake, was found to exhibit higher selenite uptake than the wild-type in both concentration- and time-dependent selenite uptake assays. Respiratory inhibitors significantly inhibited selenite uptake in the wildtype and the ltn1 mutant, indicating that selenite uptake was coupled with H+ and energy-dependent. Selenite uptake was greatly enhanced under Pi-starvation conditions, suggesting that Pi transporters are involved in selenite uptake.
OsPT2, the most abundantly expressed Pi transporter in the roots, is also significantly up-regulated in ltn1 and dramatically induced by Pi starvation.OsPT2-overexpressing and knockdown plants displayed significantly increased and decreased rates of selenite uptake, respectively, suggesting that OsPT2plays a crucial role in selenite uptake. Se content in rice grains also increased significantly in OsPT2-overexpressing plants.
These data strongly demonstrate that selenite and Pi share similar uptake mechanisms and that OsPT2 is involved in selenite uptake, which provides a potential strategy for breeding Se-enriched rice varieties.