“嫁接是人类已经进行了上千年的活动,但我们还不完全理解两个植株嫁接的后果,”文章的资深作者Joseph Ecker说。“研究显示,遗传学信息实际上在嫁接植物之间流动,这让我感到惊讶。”
不过,嫁接植物分享的遗传信息并不是DNA。嫁接植物一直保持着原始基因组,它们交流的是表观遗传学信息。表观遗传学修饰控制着基因的开和关,可以决定细胞的命运,以及植物对土壤、气候和疾病的反应。文章的第一作者Mathew Lewsey说:“我们这项研究可以帮助人们利用表观遗传学信息改良农作物和提高产量,”
“sRNA移动带来的甲基化改变有着出人意料的规模,”文章的另一位资深作者,剑桥大学的David Baulcombe介绍道。这些srna沉默了数以千计的拟南芥基因组位点。
水平基因转移也存在于高等动物和人类中。2015年3月Genome Biology杂志发表的一篇文章指出,从细胞中的遗传物质来看,我们大家都不完全是人类。研究人员对四十种动物的基因组序列进行了分析,包括果蝇、线虫、斑马鱼、大猩猩、人类等等。他们在数据库中搜索每一个基因,寻找与其他动物、植物、真菌、细菌和病毒匹配的片段。研究表明,人类基因组中有145个基因来自细菌、病毒和其它单细胞生物。
原文链接:Mobile small RNAs regulate genome-wide DNA methylation
原文摘要:RNA silencing at the transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels regulates endogenous gene expression, controls invading transposable elements (TEs), and protects the cell against viruses. Key components of the mechanism are small RNAs (sRNAs) of 21–24 nt that guide the silencing machinery to their nucleic acid targets in a nucleotide sequence-specific manner. Transcriptional gene silencing is associated with 24-nt sRNAs and RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) at cytosine residues in three DNA sequence contexts (CG, CHG, and CHH). We previously demonstrated that 24-nt sRNAs are mobile from shoot to root inArabidopsis thaliana and confirmed that they mediate DNA methylation at three sites in recipient cells. In this study, we extend this finding by demonstrating that RdDM of thousands of loci in root tissues is dependent upon mobile sRNAs from the shoot and that mobile sRNA-dependent DNA methylation occurs predominantly in non-CG contexts. Mobile sRNA-dependent non-CG methylation is largely dependent on the DOMAINS REARRANGED METHYLTRANSFERASES 1/2 (DRM1/DRM2) RdDM pathway but is independent of the CHROMOMETHYLASE (CMT)2/3 DNA methyltransferases. Specific superfamilies of TEs, including those typically found in gene-rich euchromatic regions, lose DNA methylation in a mutant lacking 22- to 24-nt sRNAs (dicer-like 2, 3, 4 triple mutant). Transcriptome analyses identified a small number of genes whose expression in roots is associated with mobile sRNAs and connected to DNA methylation directly or indirectly. Finally, we demonstrate that sRNAs from shoots of one accession move across a graft union and target DNA methylation de novo at normally unmethylated sites in the genomes of root cells from a different accession.
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1515072113