Genome Res:德国科学家发现用CRISPR迅速锁定致病突变
在1月11日的Genome Research杂志上,德国科学家们利用外显子测序和CRISPR/Cas基因组编辑,在短时间内鉴定了一种人类肢体缺陷的致病突变。这项研究为人们揭示了ZAK在哺乳动物四肢发育中起到的关键性作用,还展示了CRISPR/Cas基因组编辑技术快速鉴定致病突变的强大能力。
研究人员在文章中描述的常染色体隐性疾病,发生在两个不相关的家庭之中。这种疾病以裂足畸形(split-foot defect)、手指甲畸形和听力损失为特征。研究人员发现,发生这种疾病是因为突变干扰了蛋白激酶ZAK的SAM结构域。
原文链接:Exome sequencing and CRISPR/Cas genome editing identify mutations of ZAK as a cause of limb defects in humans and mice
原文摘要:The CRISPR/Cas technology enables targeted genome editing and the rapid generation of transgenic animal models for the study of human genetic disorders. Here we describe an autosomal recessive human disease in two unrelated families characterized by a split-foot defect, nail abnormalities of the hands, and hearing loss, due to mutations disrupting the SAM domain of the protein kinase ZAK. ZAK is a member of the MAPKKK family with no known rolein limb development. We show that Zak is expressed in the developing limbsand that a CRISPR/Cas-mediated knockout of the two Zak isoforms is embryonically lethal in mice. In contrast, a deletion of the SAM domaininduces a complex hindlimb defect associated with down-regulation of Trp63,a known split-hand/split-foot malformation disease gene. Our results identifyZAK as a key player in mammalian limb patterning and demonstrate the rapid utility of CRISPR/Cas genome editing to assign causality to humanmutations in the mouse in <10 wk.