
摘要 : 近日,国际著名期刊《美国国家科学院院刊》在线发表中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心副研究员沈妙根等人联合发表的关于青藏高原生态系统和气候变化相互作用的研究论文




图1 1982-2010年植被变化趋势。由生长季NDVI的变化趋势表示,NDVI增加表示植被增加。左上角小图中绿色和红色部分分别表示植被显著增加和减少的区域。

图2 植被活动变化(横轴)对局地温度变化的影响。图顶端表示不同的时段和NDVI数据集。R为生长季温度(平均温度Tmean,日间温度Tmax或夜间温度Tmin)变化趋势和NDVI变化趋势之间的相关系数。第二行中RP为Tmax变化趋势和NDVI变化趋势之间的偏相关系数,控制变量为Tmin变化趋势;第三行中RP则为Tmin变化趋势和NDVI变化趋势之间的偏相关系数,控制变量为Tmax变化趋势。

图3 蒸散(ET)变化对白天(A)和夜间(B)温度的影响,用温度变化趋势分别和来自于三套数据(ETJ, ETG, ETM)的ET变化趋势之间的偏相关系数(RP)表示。(A)R为Tmax变化趋势和ET变化趋势之间的相关系数;RP为Tmax变化趋势和ET变化趋势之间的偏相关系数,控制变量为Tmin变化趋势。(B)R为Tmin变化趋势和ET变化趋势之间的相关系数;RP为Tmin变化趋势和ET变化趋势之间的偏相关系数,控制变量为Tmax变化趋势。


Evaporative cooling over the Tibetan Plateau induced by vegetation growth


In the Arctic, climate warming enhances vegetation activity by extending the length of the growing season and intensifying maximum rates of productivity. In turn, increased vegetation productivity reduces albedo, which causes a positive feedback on temperature. Over the Tibetan Plateau (TP), regional vegetation greening has also been observed in response to recent warming. Here, we show that in contrast to arctic regions, increased growing season vegetation activity over the TP may have attenuated surface warming. This negative feedback on growing season vegetation temperature is attributed to enhanced evapotranspiration (ET). The extra energy available at the surface, which results from lower albedo, is efficiently dissipated by evaporative cooling. The net effect is a decrease in daily maximum temperature and the diurnal temperature range, which is supported by statistical analyses of in situ observations and by decomposition of the surface energy budget. A daytime cooling effect from increased vegetation activity is also modeled from a set of regional weather research and forecasting (WRF) mesoscale model simulations, but with a magnitude smaller than observed, likely because the WRF model simulates a weaker ET enhancement. Our results suggest that actions to restore native grasslands in degraded areas, roughly one-third of the plateau, will both facilitate a sustainable ecological development in this region and have local climate cobenefits. More accurate simulations of the biophysical coupling between the land surface and the atmosphere are needed to help understand regional climate change over the TP, and possible larger scale feedbacks between climate in the TP and the Asian monsoon system.

doi: 10.1073/PNAS.1504418112

