PLOS ONE:昆明植物所表明转录水平重新编程是种子老化一个关键

中国科学院昆明植物研究所种质资源库种子生物学研究组陈虹颖博士与英国专家合作,对豌豆种子老化过程中种子活力与基因表达以及谷胱甘肽氧化还原状态之间的关系进行了检测分析。 结果发现,各项实验指标在种子失去活力之前已经发生改变。相关文章发表于2013年10月29日《PLoS ONE》杂志上。








Transcriptome-wide mapping of pea seed ageing reveals a pivotal role for genes related to oxidative stress and programmed cell death

Hongying Chen equal contributor, Daniel Osuna equal contributor, Louise Colville mail, Oscar Lorenzo, Kai Graeber, Helge Küster, Gerhard Leubner-Metzger, Ilse Kranner

Understanding of seed ageing, which leads to viability loss during storage, is vital for ex situplant conservation and agriculture alike. Yet the potential for regulation at the transcriptional level has not been fully investigated. Here, we studied the relationship between seed viability, gene expression and glutathione redox status during artificial ageing of pea (Pisum sativum) seeds. Transcriptome-wide analysis using microarrays was complemented with qRT-PCR analysis of selected genes and a multilevel analysis of the antioxidant glutathione. Partial degradation of DNA and RNA occurred from the onset of artificial ageing at 60% RH and 50°C, and transcriptome profiling showed that the expression of genes associated with programmed cell death, oxidative stress and protein ubiquitination were altered prior to any sign of viability loss. After 25 days of ageing viability started to decline in conjunction with progressively oxidising cellular conditions, as indicated by a shift of the glutathione redox state towards more positive values (>−190 mV). The unravelling of the molecular basis of seed ageing revealed that transcriptome reprogramming is a key component of the ageing process, which influences the progression of programmed cell death and decline in antioxidant capacity that ultimately lead to seed viability loss.
