
摘要 : 近日,在PNAS上科研人员报告说,在2012年到2015年的干旱期间,美国加利福尼亚的森林流失了大量的水。如果干旱情况继续下去,未来可能导致显著的森林变化。



Gregory Asner及其同事把机载激光制导光谱仪与卫星数据结合起来,对2015年8月整个加利福尼亚的森林的冠层水含量(CWC)进行了建模,并且估计了2011年到2015年冠层水含量(CWC)的变化。这项分析排除了在2011年到2015年间烧掉的森林,因此也就排除了火灾造成的冠层水含量(CWC)流失。加利福尼亚南部和环绕中央谷的森林在2011年到2013年间表现出了最低的建模冠层水含量(CWC)值和最早的可测量的冠层水含量(CWC)流失。之后的水流失出现在了山麓森林,然后扩展到了更高的海拔。这组作者估计,包含了至多8.88亿棵大树的1060万公顷的森林,在2011年到2015年间经历了可测量的冠层水含量(CWC)流失。包含了至多5800万棵大树的100万公顷遇到了超过30%的严重的冠层水含量(CWC)流失。这组作者提出,这些数据可能支持森林管理举措和政策制定。

原文链接:Progressive forest canopy water loss during the 2012–2015 California drought

原文摘要:The 2012–2015 drought has left California with severely reduced snowpack, soil moisture, ground water, and reservoir stocks, but the impact of this estimated millennial-scale event on forest health is unknown. We used airborne laser-guided spectroscopy and satellite-based models to assess losses in canopy water content of California’s forests between 2011 and 2015. Approximately 10.6 million ha of forest containing up to 888 million large trees experienced measurABLe loss in canopy water content during this drought period. Severe canopy water losses of greater than 30% occurred over 1 million ha, affecting up to 58 million large trees. Our measurements exclude forests affected by fire between 2011 and 2015. If drought conditions continue or reoccur, even with temporary reprieves such as El Niño, we predict substantial future forest change.


