Molecular Biology:快速便宜的CRISPR/Cas9突变体筛选方法
在12月16日的《molecular Biotechnology》上,由意大利多恩动物研究所的研究人员,提出了一种快速的、便宜的CRISPR/Cas9斑马鱼突变体筛选方法,有潜力应用于斑马鱼以及适合于基因组编辑的每种动物模型的高通量筛选。
在这项研究中,研究人员提出了一种新的分型方法,具有类似于HRM技术的有效率,但是成本更低,这种方法对用于qPCR的一种常见ViiATM 7 Real-Time PCR系统的一些参数进行了修改。经过几次试验,研究人员优化了反应条件,重点是熔炼分析步骤。研究人员对熔炼分析参数进行了优化,以获得较高可能的检测分辨率和重复性。
缓变率的增加,可使来自分析样品类型的解离分析结果更加准确,因为分子的解离动力学更快。此外,研究人员优化了工作流程,减少了反应体积(总体积10 ll)。这意味着,每个样本只用5 ll的Fast SYBR Green Master混合液,从而大大降低了成本。
总而言之,这种方法提供了一种简单、快捷和低成本的InDels检测程序,可以用于任何研究实验室。这种方法可以应用于常规qPCR的ViiATM7 Real-Time PCR系统,这样就避开了昂贵实验室设备的必要性。与其他筛选方法相比,这种方法表现出更好的优势和劣势比,可以被有利地用于常规筛查程序。此外,这种方法有潜力应用于斑马鱼以及适合于基因组编辑的每种动物模型的高通量筛选。
原文链接:A Rapid and Cheap Methodology for CRISPR/Cas9 Zebrafish Mutant Screening
原文摘要:The introduction of new genome editing tools such as ZFNs, TALENs and, more recently, the CRISPR/Cas9 system, has greatly expanded the ability to knock-out genes in different animal models, including zebrafish. However, time and costs required for the screening of a huge number of animals, aimed to identify first founder fishes (F0), and then carriers (F1) are still a bottleneck. Currently, high-resolution melting (HRM) analysis is the most efficient technology for large-scale InDels detection, but the very expensive equipment demanded for its application may represent a limitation for research laboratories. Here, we propose a rapid and cheap method for high-throughput genotyping that displays efficiency rate similar to the HRM. In fact, using a common ViiA™7 real-time PCR system and optimizing the parameters of the melting analysis, we demonstrated that it is possible to discriminate between the mutant and the wild type melting curves. Due to its simplicity, rapidity and cheapness, our method can be used as a preliminary one-step approach for massive screening, in order to restrict the scope at a limited number of embryos and to focus merely on them for the next sequencing step, necessary for the exact sequence identification of the induced mutation. Moreover, thanks to its versatility, this simple approach can be readily adapted to the detection of any kind of genome editing approach directed to genes or regulatory regions and can be applied to many other animal models.