The stalk sugar content in silage maize plays an important role in improving its forage quality and palatability. In this study, we reported effect of photosynthetic characters of three ear leaves on stalk sugar content in maize. Two inbred lines with high stalk sugar content YXD053and 98A-04 and one inbred line with low stalk sugar content Y6-1 were used to measure stalk sugar content and photosynthetic characters of three ear leaves in 2013 and 2014, respectively. For three inbred lines, the stalk sugar content were nearly equal at tassel flowering stage, the largest difference was at 21 day after tassel flowering. Compared with the low stalk sugar content inbred lines Y6-1, photosynthetic rate (Pn) of two inbred lines with high stalk sugar content YXD053 and 98A-04 had a higher value and decreased slowly, and the Pn high value duration of its was longer, especially at the last sampling stages (21 day after tassel flowering). The inbred lines Y6-1with low stalk sugar is higher than the high stalk sugar inbred lines YXD053 and 98A-04 in intercellular CO2 concentration and transpiration rate. In influences of stomatal conductance and leaf area to stalk sugar content, the two inbred lines with high stalk sugar perform inconsistently. The high Pn and longer Pn high value duration of three ear leaves in the latter growth stage (milk stage) was physiological basis of high stalk sugar content in maize. The photosynthetic rate of three ear leaves at milk stage might be used as an alternative indicator in high stalk sugar content maize breeding programs.