Biological Conservation:浙江大学生科院丁平实验组发表生物多样性丧

摘要 : 近日,国际著名保护生物学期刊《Biological Conservation》发表浙江大学生命科学学院丁平教授实验室生物多样性研究论文,王艳萍为论文第一作者,丁平教授为论文共同通讯作者之一。

近日,国际著名保护生物学期刊《BioLogical Conservation》发表浙江大学生命科学学院丁平教授实验室生物多样性研究论文,王艳萍为论文第一作者,丁平教授为论文共同通讯作者之一。

栖息地片段化是导致生物多样性丧失和物种灭绝的主要原因之一。鉴定物种的哪些生态学和生活史特征会使其对栖息地片段化更敏感,是将来制定有效措施来减少生物多样性丧失和预防物种灭绝的前提条件。但是,现有相关研究往往忽视了发现率(detectability)和交互效应(synergistic effect)等混淆因素的影响。本研究在控制上述方法学缺陷的基础上,通过对千岛湖42个岛屿和邻近大陆森林鸟类的调查,研究了鸟类对栖息地片段化的敏感特征。通过野外调查和查阅文献共获得了8个与栖息地片段化敏感性相关的物种特征:身体大小、窝卵数、营养级、扩散能力、巢的类型、生境特化性、地理分布范围、种群大小。研究发现,控制发现率提高了所有鸟类、特别是隐蔽种的岛屿占有率,发现率会影响物种特征与栖息地片段化敏感性的关系。种群大小与生境特化性之间存在交互效应。本研究表明,发现率和交互效应会影响物种特征与栖息地片段化敏感性的关系,因此以后的研究应控制这2个混淆因素的影响。从物种保护的角度来讲,本研究表明应优先保护那些种群小和生境特化性高的稀有种。


Ecological correlates of vulnerABIlity to fragmentation in forest birds on inundated subtropical land-bridge islands


Identifying the ecological and life-history traits that render species vulnerable to fragmentation is an important prerequisite for the development of effective conservation strategies to minimize future biodiversity losses. When determining how species traits influence vulnerability to fragmentation, however, several important confounding factors such as detectability and synergistic effects among traits are rarely considered. In this study, after controlling for these methodological shortcomings, we determined how species traits influenced fragmentation vulnerability using bird data collected from islands created by the inundation of the Thousand Island Lake, China. We obtained eight species traits from field surveys and from the literature: natural abundance, geographical range size, habitat specificity, body size, trophic level, mobility, fecundity, and nest type. After phylogenetic correction, these traits were used separately and in combination to assess their associations with the index of fragmentation vulnerability, the proportion of islands occupied. Inclusion of detectability in analysis resulted in considerable increases in overall island occupancy for all species in general and for cryptic species in particular. Accounting for detectability altered the rank of best models and thus influenced the identification of the relationships between species traits and fragmentation vulnerability. We found synergistic interactions between natural abundance and habitat specificity. Our findings highlight the importance of incorporating detectability and synergistic effects among traits into future studies. From a conservation perspective, our results suggest that we should give priority conservation efforts to rare species with low natural abundance and high habitat specificity.


