Mol Biol Evol:中科院基因组所陈华课题组对大样本全基因组数据的

摘要 : 2015年11月,进化生物学领域权威期刊 Molecular Biology and Evolution发表中国科学院北京基因组研究所计算基因组中心陈华课题组对大样本全基因组数据的群体遗传学分析方法开发获重要进展的研究成果。

2015年11月,进化生物学领域权威期刊 molecular Biology and Evolution发表中国科学院北京基因组研究所计算基因组中心陈华课题组对大样本全基因组数据的群体遗传学分析方法开发获重要进展的研究成果。

计算基因组学旨在发展理论和方法学,对基因组数据进行数据挖掘、提取信息。其中对遗传多态性,如基因频谱、单倍型结构等进行建模,利用群体基因组水平的遗传变异数据来推断群体的历史和变迁是群体遗传学的核心内容。传统的群体遗传学分析方法通常基于小样本数据,所推断的多为相对古老的历史事件,例如,被广泛应用的Li and Durbin (2011)的PSMC方法(递次式对偶溯祖方法)适用于2万年到300万年之间的群体大小变化,对一万年以内群体历史的推断精度很有限。该时间区间是这些方法进行参数推断的“盲区”。而人类在过去一万年左右从漫长的狩猎-采集文明逐渐过渡到农业、畜牧业和工业文明,深入了解人类两万年内的群体进化和变迁,对解析环境适应性、遗传性疾病的易感性和发病机制等都有重要意义。



TNSFS方法能有效模拟复杂的群体模型(如图A所示,用于描述欧洲群体变化的Gazave模型), 并且在不同参数值下的理论预测值与电脑仿真产生的结果吻合(图B)


Inferring Very Recent Population growth Rate from Population-Scale Sequencing Data: Using a Large-Sample Coalescent Estimator


Large-sample or population-level sequencing data provide unprecedented opportunities for inferring detailed population histories, especially recent demographic histories. On the other hand, it challenges most existing population genetic methods: Simulation-based approaches require intensive computation, and analytical approaches are often numerically intractable when the sample size is large. We propose a computationally efficient method for simultaneous estimation of population size, the rate, and onset time of population growth in the very recent history, using the pattern of the total number of segregating sites as a function of sample size. Coalescent simulation shows that it can accurately and efficiently estimate the parameters of recent population growth from large-scale data. This approach has the flexibility to model population history with multiple growth stages or other epochs, and it is robust when the sample size is very large or at the population scale, for which the Kingman’s coalescent assumption is not valid. This approach is applied to recently published data and estimates the recent population growth rate in the European population to be 1.49% with the onset time 7.26 ka, and the rate in the African population to be 0.735% with the onset time 10.01 ka.

doi: 10.1093/molbev/msv158

