谭铮研究组于2013年发现了一种在转录中由DNA非模板链和所转录的RNA共同形成的新型G-四链体结构,即DNA:RNA杂合G-四链体。研究组最近又发现一种具有环境响应能力的新型核酸G-四链体结构。这种新G-四链体的结构特征是在G-quartet平面上含有G-空缺,它可以从环境中吸收一个含Guanine碱基的分子而形成一个更加稳定的结构。这种被命名为GVBQ(G-vacancy-bearing G-quadruplexes,含G-空缺G-四链体)的G-四链体可以在单链核酸和转录的双链DNA中形成。它具有响应原核和真核细胞的生理浓度的GMP和GTP的能力并可以借此影响DNA聚合酶的DNA复制活性。生物信息学分析发现这类结构在原核和真核基因中有特殊的分布规律,提示它们可以在细胞中形成并与基因表达调控有关。
博士生吴壬乙在活细菌中检测到了DNA:RNA杂合G-四链体的形成和它对转录造成的中断,并发现杂合G-四链体相对于经典G-四链体是导致转录中断的主要因素。这一发现表明杂合G-四链体可以在活细胞中形成并具有干预细胞转录活性的能力。该工作以吴壬乙为第一作者于2015年发表于Angew Chem Int Ed。
另外博士生刘珈泉发现转录诱导产生的G-四链体具有DNA链的极性化,即它倾向在非模板链上形成而不在模板链上形成。这一结果表明RNA聚合酶具有决定G-四链体形成的能力,同时也说明不同链上的G-四链体可能有不同的生理活性。该工作以刘珈泉为第一作者于2015年发表于Angew Chem Int Ed,并被评为VIP(Very Important Paper)。
Guanine-vacancy–bearing G-quadruplexes responsive to guanine derivatives
G-quadruplex structures formed by guanine-rich nucleic acids are implicated in essential physiological and pathological processes and nanodevices. G-quadruplexes are normally composed of four Gn (n ≥ 3) tracts assembled into a core of multiple stacked G-quartet layers. By dimethyl sulfate footprinting, circular dichroism spectroscopy, thermal melting, and photo-cross-linking, here we describe a unique type of intramolecular G-quadruplex that forms with one G2 and three G3 tracts and bears a guanine vacancy (G-vacancy) in one of the G-quartet layers. The G-vacancy can be filled up by a guanine base from GTP or GMP to complete an intact G-quartet by Hoogsteen hydrogen bonding, resulting in significant G-quadruplex stabilization that can effectively alter DNA replication in vitro at physiological concentration of GTP and Mg2+. A bioinformatic survey shows motifs of such G-quadruplexes are evolutionally selected in genes with unique distribution pattern in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms, implying such G-vacancy–bearing G-quadruplexes are present and play a role in gene regulation. Because guanine derivatives are natural metabolites in cells, the formation of such G-quadruplexes and guanine fill-in (G-fill-in) may grant an environment-responsive regulation in cellular processes. Our findings thus not only expand the sequence definition of G-quadruplex formation, but more importantly, reveal a structural and functional property not seen in the standard canonical G-quadruplexes.