
摘要 : 日前美国《PNAS》发表的研究指出,具有类似有机物特征的碳,被发现封存在一块形成于地球历史中冥古代期间的晶体内。冥古代以希腊神话中掌管阴曹地府的冥王“哈迪斯”命名。




然而,来自美国加州大学洛杉矶分校的Elizabeth Bell和Mark Harrison及其同事认为,生命可能终究还是在冥古代存在。






evidence for indigenous nitrogen in sedimentary and aeolian deposits from the Curiosity rover investigations at Gale crater, Mars


The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) investigation on the Mars science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover has detected oxidized nitrogen-bearing compounds during pyrolysis of scooped aeolian sediments and drilled sedimentary deposits within Gale crater. Total N concentrations ranged from 20 to 250 nmol N per sample. After subtraction of known N sources in SAM, our results support the equivalent of 110–300 ppm of nitrate in the Rocknest (RN) aeolian samples, and 70–260 and 330–1,100 ppm nitrate in John Klein (JK) and Cumberland (CB) mudstone deposits, respectively. Discovery of indigenous martian nitrogen in Mars surface materials has important implications for habitability and, specifically, for the potential evolution of a nitrogen cycle at some point in martian history. The detection of nitrate in both wind-drifted fines (RN) and in mudstone (JK, CB) is likely a result of N2 fixation to nitrate generated by thermal shock from impact or volcanic plume lightning on ancient Mars. Fixed nitrogen could have facilitated the development of a primitive nitrogen cycle on the surface of ancient Mars, potentially providing a biochemically accessible source of nitrogen.

doi: 10.1073/pnas.1420932112

作者:Jennifer C. Stern
