New Phytologist:中科院昆明植物所孙航研究组发表全球草本植物区系

摘要 : 植物学期刊New Phytologist 上在线发表中国科学院昆明植物研究所研究员孙航团队题为“Recent assembly of the global herbaceous flora: evidence from the paper daisies (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae”的研究结果。

植物学期刊New Phytologist 上在线发表中国科学院昆明植物研究所研究员孙航团队题为“Recent assembly of the global herbaceous flora: evidence from the paper daisies (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae”的研究结果。


中国科学院昆明植物研究所研究员孙航团队长期关注被子植物区系与生物地理格局形成与演变机制的研究。近期,该研究组与吉首大学教授聂泽龙、美国国家自然历史博物馆博士文军和 Vicki A. Funk 等合作,选取菊科鼠麴草族 (Gnaphalieae)作为研究对象,对其进行迄今为止最为全面的835个类群的取样,代表了本族约80%的属,涵盖了其全球所有分布范围。通过核基因ITS和ETS序列和基于化石的分子钟校正的生物地理的综合分析表明,鼠麴草族大约在3400万年前起源于非洲南部,随后是在中新世期间多次迁移扩散到非洲其他区域和地中海等地区,特别是在中新世后期到上新世(大约是在1000-200万年前),快速扩散分布到全球各个角落,形成了今天的分布格局。现代分子生物地理证据表明从2300万年前开始的整个中新世是全球现代动植物分布形成的重要时期,该研究进一步强调了全球草本植物的分布格局的形成时间更为年轻,主要集中在中新世晚期以后,这种快速的扩张主要是由于伴随着当时全球气候变冷变干旱,大陆森林破碎化和开放式的生境(比如草原)的扩张。研究进一步指出这种近期全球扩散分布模式具有重要的普遍意义,可以用来解释许多其他类似的开放生态系统生物的全球分布格局。



Recent asseMBLy of the global herbaceous flora: evidence from the paper daisies (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae


The global flora is thought to contain a large proportion of herbs, and understanding the GENEral spatiotemporal processes that shaped the global distribution of these communities is one of the most difficult issues in biogeography.

We explored patterns of world-wide biogeography in a species-rich herbaceous group, the paper daisy tribe Gnaphalieae (Asteraceae), based on the hitherto largest taxon sampling, a total of 835 terminal accessions representing 80% of the genera, and encompassing the global geographic range of the tribe, with nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and external transcribed spacer (ETS) sequences.

Biogeographic analyses indicate that Gnaphalieae originated in southern Africa during the oligocene, followed by repeated migrations into the rest of Africa and the Mediterranean region, with subsequent entries into other continents during various periods starting in the Miocene.

Expansions in the late Miocene to Pliocene appear to have been the driving force that shaped the global distribution of the tribe as forests were progressively broken up by the mid-continent aridification and savannas and grasslands expanded into the interior of the major continents. This pattern of recent colonizations may explain the world-wide distribution of many other organisms in open ecosystems and it is highlighted here as an emerging pattern in the evolution of the global flora.

DOI: 10.1111/nph.13740

