
摘要 : 近日,《Journal of Integrative Plant Biology》在线发表中国农业科学院水稻研究所种质创新团队钱前研究员的研究成果,研究发现水稻颖壳发育畸形的突变体abnormal flower and dwarf1 (AFD1)基因影响水稻的产量构成,尤其对水稻籽粒的发育起关键性作用。

近日,《JouRNAl of Integrative Plant BioLogy》在线发表中国农业科学院水稻研究所种质创新团队钱前研究员的研究成果,研究发现水稻颖壳发育畸形的突变体abnormal flower and dwarf1 (AFD1)基因影响水稻的产量构成,尤其对水稻籽粒的发育起关键性作用。该基因的克隆有利于高产新品种的培育。水稻研究所任德勇博士、饶玉春博士和吴立文博士为共同第一作者。



The pleiotropic ABNORMAL FLOWER AND DWARF1 affects plant height, floral development and grain yield in rice


Moderate plant height and successful establishment of reproductive organs play pivotal roles in rice grain production. The molecular mechanism that controls the two aspects remains unclear in rice. In the study, we characterized a rice gene, ABNORMAL FLOWER AND DWARF1 (AFD1) that determined plant height, floral development and grain yield. The afd1 mutant showed variable defects including the dwarfism, long panicle, low seed setting and reduced grain yield. In addition, abnormal floral organs were also observed in the afd1 mutant including slender and thick hulls, and hull-like lodicules. AFD1 encoded a DUF640 domain protein and was expressed in all tested tissues and organs. Subcellular localization showed AFD1-green fluorescent fusion protein (GFP) was localized in the nucleus. Meantime, our results suggested that AFD1 regulated the expression of cell division and expansion related genes.

DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12441

