
采用大田试验的方法,研究了玉米秸秆炭对玉米干物质积累、分配及产量形成特性的影响。结果表明, 20 t·hm-2生物炭与肥料配施可以延长玉米的旺盛生长时期和旺盛生长期的干物质积累量,促进玉米灌浆后期干物质的积累和籽粒干重的增加,与单施化肥相比,产量提高了6.06%,40 t·hm-2生物炭与肥料配施在一定程度上抑制了玉米干物质积累,降低行粒数,产量降低13.88%。适量的生物炭与肥料配施可以促进玉米的干物质积累,提高产量,优于单施化肥,而过量的生物炭用量会抑制玉米生长,导致产量下降。在北方棕壤常规施肥条件下,适量配施生物炭增产效果明显,可用于玉米生产。 英文摘要: The effects of biochar on maize dry matter accumulation, distribution and maize yield were studied through a plot field experiment. The results showed that combination of 20 t·hm-2 boichar with fertilizer could extend the period of vigorous growth and increase the amount of dry matter accumulation of maize, which promoted the dry matter accumulation and increased the dry weight of grain, as well as the yield increased by 6.06% compared with single chemical fertilizer treatment. The combination of 40 t·hm-2 biochar with fertilizer inhibited the dry matter accumulation to some extent, decreased the kernels of the row and the yield by 13.88%. If combined the suitable amount of biochar with fertilizer could promote the dry matter accumulation and increase yield of maize, which better than single chemical fertilizer application. The excess biochar could inhibit the growth of maize, resulting in yield decline. In the condition of conventional fertilization in northern brown earth, the appropraite amount of biochar application could increase yield significantly, which might be used for maize production.