Plant Physiol:华南农大刘向东研究组发表水稻相关研究文章

摘要 : 近日,国际著名植物学期刊Plant Physiology上在线发表华南农业大学亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室稻种资源保护与利用课题组刘向东教授和卢永根院士为通讯作者的研究论文

近日,国际著名植物学期刊plant Physiology上在线发表华南农业大学亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室稻种资源保护与利用课题组刘向东教授和卢永根院士为通讯作者的研究论文“Polyploidy enhances F1 pollen sterility loci interactions that increase meiosis abnormalities and pollen sterility in autotetraploid rice”。该论文第一作者是该实验室刘向东教授指导的博士毕业生吴锦文,共同第一作者为Muhammad Qasim Shahid(华南农业大学外籍专业教师)。



Polyploidy enhances F1 pollen sterility loci interactions that increase meiosis abnormalities and pollen sterility in autotetraploid rice


Intersubspecific (indica×japonica) autotetraploid Oryza sativa (rice) hybrids have greater biological and yield potentials than do diploid rice. However, the low fertility of intersubspecific autotetraploid hybrids, which is largely due to high pollen abortion rates, limits their commercial utility. To decipher the cytological and molecular mechanisms underlying allelic interactions in autotetraploid rice, we developed an autotetraploid rice hybrid that was heterozygous (SiSj) at F1 pollen sterility loci (Sa, Sb, and Sc), using near iso-genic lines. Cytological studies showed that the autotetraploid had a higher percentage (>30%) of abnormal chromosome behavior and aberrant meiocytes (>50%) during meiosis than did the diploid rice hybrid control. Analysis of gene expression profiles revealed 1888 genes that were differentially expressed between the autotetraploid and diploid hybrid lines at the meiotic stage, among which 889 and 999 were up- and down-regulated, respectively. Of the 999 down-regulated genes, 940 were associated with the combined effect of polyploidy and pollen sterility loci interactions (IPE). Gene Ontology enrichment analysis identified a prominent functional gene class consisting of seven genes related to photosystem I (GO: 0009522). Moreover, 55 meiosis-related or meiosis-stage-specific genes were associated with IPE in autotetraploid rice, including Os02g0497500, which encodes a DNA repair-recombination protein, and Os02g0490000, which encodes a component of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. These results suggest that polyploidy enhances epistatic interactions between alleles of pollen sterility loci, thereby altering the expression profiles of important meiosis-related or meiosis-stage-specific genes, and resulting in high pollen sterility.

doi: 10.1104/pp.15.00791

