
本研究以两份玉米籽粒类型空间诱变系SP-M1(硬粒变为中齿)、SP-M2(硬粒变为马齿)以及野生型玉米自交系齐319为试验材料,对田间农艺性状、穗部性状、籽粒的营养品质性状和胚乳内部显微结构进行分析。结果表明,与野生型相比,两个诱变系在株高、穗位高、粒长、百粒重等田间农艺性状和穗部性状上发生显著或极显著变异,且变异方向不同;SP-M1和SP-M2赖氨酸含量显著高于野生型,SP-M2淀粉含量显著高于野生型,蛋白质含量显著低于野生型;2个诱变系与齐319在胚乳边缘组织、胚乳内部组织、淀粉粒、基质蛋白等结构存在差异,淀粉粒的组成比例和排列顺序,是影响胚乳超微结构差异的主要原因。本研究结果为空间诱变系的进一步育种应用和遗传分析奠定基础。 英文摘要: In this study, two space mutation lines SP-M1 and SP-M2 from maize inbred Qi319 were used to analyze their nutritional quality traits and endosperm microstructure compared to the wild type. The results showed that the differences between WT and mutants were significant from different direction, such as plant height, ear height, grain length, hundred-grain weight, etc. Lysine content of mutant lines SP-M1 SP-M2 was significant higher than wild type Qi319. Starch content in kernels of SP-M2 was significant higher than that of Qi319, but the protein content exhibited the inverse change. Two mutants were quite different with the wild type in endosperm edge organization, endosperm internal organization, starch grains, matrix protein. Composition and arrange of starch granules had an important effect on the ultrastructure of endosperm. The results lay the foundation for future breeding and genetic analyses.