Plant Mol Biol:中科院东北地理所杨素欣研究组发表控制大豆种子大

摘要 : 10月19日Plant Molecular Biology 杂志上在线发表中国科学院北地理所大豆分子设计育种重点实验室杨素欣研究员的关于大豆种子大小基因的研究成果,博士生赵宝添为论文第一作者,研究员冯献忠和杨素欣为论文责任作者。

10月19日plant molecular biology 杂志上在线发表中国科学院北地理所大豆分子设计育种重点实验室杨素欣研究员的关于大豆种子大小基因的研究成果,博士生赵宝添为论文第一作者,研究员冯献忠和杨素欣为论文责任作者。




ArABIdopsis KLU homologueGmCYP78A72 regulates seed size in soybean


Soybean (Glycine max) is one of the most important crops in the world, and its yield is largely determined by grain weight and grain size. However, the genes that regulate soybean seed size have not been identified. CYP78A, which is highly conserved within terrestrial plants, regulates organ development. In Arabidopsis, AtCYP78A5/KLU has been shown to determine seed size. In the present study, soybean CYP78A72 (GmCYP78A72), one of the orthologs of KLU, was over-expressed in both Arabidopsis and soybean to examine its function in plant development.GmCYP78A72 heterologous expression in Arabidopsis resulted in enlarged sepals, petals, seeds and carpel. Over-expression of GmCYP78A72 in soybean resulted in increased pea size, which is an extremely desirable trait for enhancing productivity. Moreover, knock-down of GmCYP78A72does not reduce grain size. However, silencing of GmCYP78A57, GmCYP78A70 andGmCYP78A72 genes in triplet reduces the seed size significantly indicating functional redundancy of these three GmCYP78A genes. In conclusion, we investigated the role of CYP78A in soybean seed regulation, and our strategy can be effectively used to engineer large seed traits in soybean varieties as well as other crops.


