Science Bulletin:清华大学唐劲天教授和湖南省血吸虫病防治研究所

摘要 : 2015年第16期Science Bulletin(《科学通报》英文版)刊载由清华大学唐劲天教授和湖南省血吸虫病防治研究所李岳生教授担任通讯作者撰写的一篇研究文章,研究相关的论文题为:“A novel and effective hyperthermia method for Schistosomiasis japonica prevention and treatment”。

2015年第16期science Bulletin(《科学通报》英文版)刊载由清华大学唐劲天教授和湖南省血吸虫病防治研究所李岳生教授担任通讯作者撰写的一篇研究文章,研究相关的论文题为:“A novel and effective hyperthermia method for Schistosomiasis japonica prevention and treatment”。



有研究者报道了皮肤热疗法用于治疗痤疮,即通过热疗仪对人体局部皮肤进行物理加热,以达到抑制细菌生长、促进创伤愈合的功效。2011年Lancet 发表的研究报告了热疗用于HIV感染病人的难治性皮肤利什曼原虫病取得满意疗效。2010年11月,唐教授以一份“皮肤热疗有效防治血吸虫病”的创新方案申请盖茨基金会第五轮“探索大挑战”项目资助,从2400多份申请中脱颖而出,成为当年全球65名获资助者之一。该研究基于如下假设:采用皮肤热疗法,在感染早期就将尾蚴“热死”在人体皮肤之中,而非等到尾蚴进入人体血液及肝脏发育为成虫后再用药物治疗。





A novel and effective hyperthermia method for Schistosomiasis japonica prevention and treatment


The emerging resistance to schistosoma has been paid much attention and is in urgent need for a novel strategy to control the prevalent parasitic zoonosis. In this study, the efficiency of hyperthermia therapy was investigated by the skin hyperthermia device. The survival rate of cercariae decreased from 68.15 % (37 ℃, 5 min) to 0 (49 ℃, 10 min) with the thermal dosages increased, which proved the preventing effect of hyperthermia therapy (P < 0.05). Therapeutic effects were assessed in Schistosoma japonicum-infected BALB/c mice. When the cercarial contact region of the skin was treated at 45-49 ℃ for 5 min within 8 h of infection, worm reduction rate (WRR) reached 74 %-83 % (P < 0.01). The sensitivity of adult schistosoma to heat was also investigated using microwave intraperitoneal hyperthermia (thermal dosages 42-43 ℃, 20 min). The WRR, hepatic shift rates and egg reduction rates were 23.7 %, 40 % and 30 %, respectively, comparing with 80.2 %, 59.6 % and 53.9 % of praziquantel (PZQ)-treated group. Encouraging results have been obtained that hyperthermia can effectively kill schistosomula, especially with the appearance of cercarial dermatitis, while PZQ lacks efficacy against the cercariae. Thus, hyperthermia therapy would show significant benefit in preventing and treatment of schistosoma, especially in the early stage.

DOI: 10.1007/s11434-015-0867-z

