
摘要 : 2015年9月21日,《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》在线刊登马红教授研究团队最新研究成果

2015年9月21日,《Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences of the United States of America》在线刊登马红教授研究团队最新研究成果,文章题为“Formation of interference-sensitive meiotic cross-overs require sufficient DNA leading-strand elongation”,该研究揭示了DNA合成在减数分裂重组中的重要作用。复旦大学博士生黄霁月和程志号是文章的并列第一作者,王应祥副研究员和马红教授为通讯作者。



课题组首先建立起植物减数分裂单一类型细胞分离技术,结合高通量转录组测序,发现一批DNA复制基因在生殖细胞中表达(Yang et al., 2011, Plant J),揭示了减数分裂重组中DNA合成共用有丝分裂DNA复制的基因。然而,由于DNA复制是细胞分裂所必需,这些基因完全缺失会导致胚胎死亡,因此无法利用传统的技术研究其在生殖发育环节中的功能。为此,课题组建立起生殖细胞特异基因沉默技术,并结合已有非致死突变遗传材料,证明了减数分裂重组需要DNA后随链合成基因,改进了此前只包含DNA前导链合成的重组模型(Wang et al., 2012, PLoS genetics)。

与此同时,课题组利用基因组重测序技术对拟南芥减数分裂一次产物的四个单倍体配子分别测序,揭示了重组交换的区间比非重组大(Lu et al., 2012, Genome Research),进一步支持减数分裂重组可能需要DNA后随链参与的假设。另外,重测序结果还发现发生重组的区间也大小不一,为解释这一现象,课题组对DNA前导链延伸的聚合酶Polε开展了深入研究,证明Polε在短的交换区间能够部分被Polδ替代,而在宽的区间是必需的(参图示)。综合上述结果,提出了一个新的减数分裂主要重组途径形成的模型,该模型包括DNA前导链和后随链的合成。



Formation of interference-sensitive meiotic cross-overs require sufficient DNA leading-strand elongation


Meiosis halves diploid genomes to haploid and is essential for sexual reproduction in eukaryotes. Meiotic recombination ensures physical association of homologs and their subsequent accurate segregation and results in the redistribution of genetic variations among progeny. Most organisms have two classes of cross-overs (COs): interference-sensitive (type I) and -insensitive (type II) COs. DNA synthesis is essential for meiotic recombination, but whether DNA synthesis has a role in differentiating meiotic CO pathways is unknown. Here, we show that Arabidopsis POL2A, the homolog of the yeast DNA polymerase-ε (a leading-strand DNA polymerase), is required for plant fertility and meiosis. Mutations in POL2A cause reduced fertility and meiotic defects, including abnormal chromosome association, improper chromosome segregation, and fragmentation. Observation of prophase I cell distribution suggests that pol2a mutants likely delay progression of meiotic recombination. In addition, the residual COs in pol2a have reduced CO interference, and the double mutant of pol2a with mus81, which affects type II COs, displayed more severe defects than either single mutant, indicating that POL2A functions in the type I pathway. We hypothesize that sufficient leading-strand DNA elongation promotes formation of some type I COs. Given that meiotic recombination and DNA synthesis are conserved in divergent eukaryotes, this study and our previous study suggest a novel role for DNA synthesis in the differentiation of meiotic recombination pathways.

doi: 10.1073/pnas.1507165112

