
本文搜集和整理了美国开放授粉品种到自交系选育及杂种优势群的形成系谱图。然后根据1980-2008年解密的美国商业玉米自交系种质来源,绘制了美国商业玉米种质系谱图。系谱分析表明,美国商业玉米的种质基础几乎全部来自于开放授粉品种。开放授粉品种瑞德黄马牙中选育形成了Iodent类群种质与衣阿华坚秆综合种(BSSS);leaming corn选育形成了商业种质OH07类群;Lancaster sure crop 选育形成了Lancaster种质类群;Minnisota13、Lancaster sure crop、瑞德黄马牙共同选育形成了OH43种质类群自交系。美国商业玉米的种质自交系分为母本群和父本群。母本群包括BSSS种质自交系,以及融入阿根廷Amargo血缘的新种质。父本群包括Iodent、Lancaster、OH07、OH43、商业杂交种选系5大类。 英文摘要: This paper collected and analyzed pedigree evolution map from OPVs to inbred lines and heterosis population. Modern commercial maize germplasm pedigree map was made through analysis on origination of inbred lines whose patent expired. The result of pedigree analysis indicated that germplasm base of commercial maize breeding was from OPVs. The Iodent and BSSS germplasm were bred from OPV variety Reid Yellow Dent; OH07 germplasm was derived from Leaming corn; Lancaster germplasm formed from OPV Lancaster sure crop; Oh43 germplasm was selected from Minnisota13, Lancaster sure crop and Reid Yellow Dent. The inbred lines of commercial breeding were divided into female group and male group. The female group included two types: One was BSSS germplasm. Another was new BSSS germplasm integrated Amargo strain. Male group included five populations, Iodent、Lancaster、OH07、OH43 and inbred lines from commercial hybrids.