
摘要 : 9月18日,国际学术期刊The Journal of Biological Chemistry在线发表了中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所周兆才研究组的最新研究成果

9月18日,国际学术期刊The Journal of BioLogical Chemistry在线发表了中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所周兆才研究组的最新研究成果,题为“Structural Insights into Mitochondrial Antiviral-Signaling Protein (MAVS)−Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-Associated Factor 6 (TRAF6) Signaling”。该成果揭示了RLR抗病毒信号通路中关键蛋白MAVS招募下游E3连接酶TRAF6的结构基础。数据收集工作得到生化与细胞所公共技术服务中心及上海光源BL17U光束线站的大力帮助。


史竹兵,张振等人在周兆才研究员的指导下,发现MAVS保守的T6BM2序列是TRAF6直接相互作用区域。通过解析MAVS T6BM2与TRAF6的晶体结构从原子水平上阐述了两者相互作用的详细特征。体外生化试验验证了MAVS T6BM2上残基是TRAF6结合所必需的。进一步细胞水平的研究表明两者结合对MAVS介导的抗病毒响应起着关键作用。有趣的是,我们发现MAVS T6BM2上的一个突变体Y460E尽管能结合TRAF6,但在细胞里仍然不能代替野生型的MAVS发挥作用。这可能是由于两个氨基酸本身性质的差异所造成的。另一方面也说明保守的Y460是MAVS发挥最优活性所不可替代的。这些发现为RLR抗病毒信号通路的研究提供了生化和结构基础。

周兆才研究组主要围绕STRIPAK超分子复合物,结合肿瘤、感染,以及自身免疫等重大疾病,研究免疫反应细胞信号机制及其病态调控,为临床诊疗、药物研发等提供理论依据与候选策略。部分研究结果已经发表于Nat Immunol (2015), Cancer Cell (2014)、Cell Research (2012)、Structure (2013)。


Structural Insights into Mitochondrial antiviral-Signaling Protein (MAVS)−Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-Associated Factor 6 (TRAF6) Signaling


In response to viral infection, cytosolic retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I)-like receptors (RLRs) sense viral RNA and promote oligomerization of mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein (MAVS), which then recruits tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF) family proteins including TRAF6 to activate antiviral response. Currently, the interaction between MAVS and TRAF6 is only partially understood lacking atomic details. Here, we demonstrated that MAVS directly interacts with TRAF6 through its potential TRAF6-binding motif 2 (T6BM2, amino acids 455-460). Further, we solved the crystal structure of MAVS T6BM2 in complex with TRAF6 TRAF_C domain at 2.95-Å resolution. T6BM2 of MAVS binds to the canonical adaptor-binding groove of the TRAF_C domain. Structure-directed mutational analyses in vitro and in cells revealed that MAVS binding to TRAF6 via T6BM2 instead of T6BM1 is essential but not sufficient for an optimal antiviral response. Particularly, a MAVS mutant Y460E retained its TRAF6-binding ability as predicted, but showed significantly impaired signaling activity, highlighting the functional importance of this tyrosine. Moreover, these observations were further confirmed in MAVS-/- mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells. Collectively, our work provides a structural basis for understanding the MAVS-TRAF6 antiviral response.


