9月22日《PNAS》上在线发表武汉大学孙蒙祥课题组与中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所大豆分子设计育种重点实验室Xianzhong Feng组合作开展的一项研究成果。东北地理与农业生态研究所大豆功能基因组学学科组的助理研究员刘媛为该论文第一作者,武汉大学孙蒙祥教授为通讯作者。
A-E:切断胚体与胚柄的联系后,胚柄的顶端细胞发育成为了新的胚胎,并且开始表达胚体的标记基因。A-C:胚体标记基因DRN::GFP 株系,D-E:ATML::NLS:GFP 株系。箭头所示为胚柄顶部细胞发育而来的胚体结构。B,C;D,E为同一个胚珠的不同观察模式。B,D为荧光观察;C,E为透明观察。
The suspensor is a temporary supporting structure of proembryos. It has been proposed that suspensor cells also possess embryogenic potential, which is suppressed by the embryo as an effect of the embryo–suspensor interaction. However, data to support this hypothesis are not yet available. In this report, using an in vivo living cell laser ablation technique, we show that Arabidopsis suspensor cells can develop into embryos after removing the embryo proper. The embryo proper plays a critical role in maintaining suspensor cell identity. However, this depends on the developmental stage; after the globular embryo stage, the suspensors no longer possess the potential to develop into embryos. We also reveal that hypophysis formation may be essential for embryo differentiation. Furthermore, we show that, after removing the embryo, auxin gradually accumulates in the top suspensor cell where cell division occurs to produce an embryo. Auxin redistribution likely reprograms the fate of the suspensor cell and triggers embryogenesis in suspensor cells. Thus, we provide direct evidence that the embryo suppresses the embryogenic potential of suspensor cells.
doi: 10.1073/PNAS.1508651112