
摘要 : 近期《Science bulletin》发表由清华大学地球系统科学研究中心李雪艳的一篇名为“预测气候变化对中国保护鸟类和自然保护区的影响”的研究文章,李雪艳为第一作者,宫鹏教授为通讯作者。

近期《science bulletin》发表由清华大学地球系统科学研究中心李雪艳的一篇名为“预测气候变化对中国保护鸟类和自然保护区的影响”的研究文章,李雪艳为第一作者,宫鹏教授为通讯作者。


最近一项研究使用观鸟数据对多种保护鸟类的未来生境进行预测,评估了气候变化对我国保护区的影响。研究利用观鸟数据作为数据来源,通过建立物种分布模型(species distribution model, SDM),预测了在不同气候变化情景下的多种保护鸟类的未来潜在分布范围及其变化。结果表明: 有多种保护鸟类的气候适宜分布区将发生收缩和北移;到2080年,平均北移距离将达到77-90km;我国的东南部地区,保护鸟类丰富度将会下降;青藏高原和东北地区则会对更多的保护鸟类更加适宜。



Projected impacts of climate change on protected birds and Nature reserves in China


Knowledge about climate change impacts on species distribution at national scale is critical to biodiversity conservation and design of management programs. Although China is a biodiversity hot spot in the world, potential influence of climate change on Chinese protected birds is rarely studied. Here, we assess the impact of climate change on 108 protected bird species and nature reserves using species distribution modeling at a relatively fine spatial resolution (1 km) for the first time. We found that a large proportion of protected species would have potential suitABLe habitat shrink and northward range shift by 77–90 km in response to projected future climate change in 2080. Southeastern China would suffer from losing climate suitability, whereas the climate conditions in Qinghai–Tibet Plateau and northeastern China were projected to become suitable for more protected species. On average, each protected area in China would experience a decline of suitable climate for 3–4 species by 2080. Climate change will modify which species each protected area will be suitable for. Our results showed that the risk of extinction for Chinese protected birds would be high, even in the moderate climate change scenario. These findings indicate that the management and design of nature reserves in China must take climate change into consideration.


