PLOS Genetics:中国农业大学张小兰教授课题组发表植物花器官发育

摘要 : 日前,PLOS Genetics杂志在线发表了中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院张小兰教授课题组关于边界基因HANABA TARANU (HAN)调控植物花器官发育的研究成果。

日前,PLOS genetics杂志在线发表了中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院张小兰教授课题组关于边界基因HANABA TARANU (HAN)调控植物花器官发育的研究成果。该论文由张小兰课题组独立完成, 博士研究生丁莲、颜爽、蒋励为共同第一作者,实验室的其他成员参与了部分试验,张小兰教授是唯一的通讯作者。

植物地上部的所有器官都是由顶端分生组织发育而来的。一类基因在顶端分生组织和正在起始的原基之间的边界区特异表达,称之为边界基因。拟南芥边界基因HANABA TARANU (HAN) 编码一个GATA3家族转录因子,在分生组织和器官原基的边界,以及花器官原基之间的边界表达,对花器官的发育、顶端分生组织的形态结构以及胚胎发育具有重要的作用。但在生殖生长阶段,边界与分生组织和器官原基之间的互作机制尚不清楚。

张小兰课题组结合遗传、生物化学和分子生物学等方法,研究了拟南芥边界基因HAN与两个分生组织基因BREVIPEDICELLUS(BP)和PINHEAD(PNH)以及三个器官原基特异基因PETAL LOSS(PTL)、JAGGED(JAG)和BLADE-ON-PETIOLE (BOP)在花发育过程中的相互作用。他们的研究结果表明HAN 对拟南芥花瓣的数量具有决定性作用。在拟南芥花发育过程中,HAN作为边界基因通过PNH与分生组织保持联系,通过JAG和BOP2直接调控花器官的发育,通过CKX3来调节细胞分裂素的稳态从而保持边界的形态。本研究解析了植物边界与分生组织和器官原基之间在花发育时期的联系机制,进一步完善植物HAN功能研究。

张小兰于2011年4月底以优秀人才引进到中国农业大学农学院,2013年1月破格晋升为教授。该论文是张小兰教授2011年回国以来发表的第8篇包括Plant Cell, Plant Physiology, Journal of Experimental Botany, Nanoscale 等影响因子5分以上的主要作者(第一或通讯)文章。


HANABA TARANU (HAN) Bridges Meristem and Organ Primordia Boundaries through PINHEAD, JAGGED, BLADE-ON-PETIOLE2 andCYTOKININ OXIDASE 3 during Flower Development in ArABIdopsis


Shoot organ primordia are initiated from the shoot apical meristem and develop into leaves during the vegetative stage, and into flowers during the reproductive phase. Between the meristem and the newly formed organ primordia, a boundary with specialized cells is formed that separates meristematic activity from determinate organ growth. Despite interactions that have been found between boundary regulators with genes controlling meristem maintenance or primordial development, most boundary studies were performed during embryogenesis or vegetative growth, hence little is known about whether and how boundaries communicate with meristem and organ primordia during the reproductive stage. We combined genetic, molecular and biochemical tools to explore interactions between the boundary gene HANABA TARANU(HAN) and two meristem regulators BREVIPEDICELLUS (BP) and PINHEAD (PNH), and three primordia-specific genes PETAL LOSS (PTL), JAGGED (JAG) and BLADE-ON-PETIOLE (BOP) during flower development. We demonstrated the key role of HAN in determining petal number, as part of a set of complex genetic interactions. HAN and PNH transcriptionally promote each other, and biochemically interact to regulate meristem organization. HAN physically interacts with JAG, and directly stimulates the expression of JAG and BOP2 to regulate floral organ development. Further, HAN directly binds to the promoter and intron ofCYTOKININ OXIDASE 3 (CKX3) to modulate cytokinin homeostasis in the boundary. Our data suggest that boundary-expressing HAN communicates with the meristem through the PNH, regulates floral organ development via JAG and BOP2, and maintains boundary morphology through CKX3 during flower development in Arabidopsis.

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005479

