The Plant Journal:武汉大学吴燕教授研究组有关拟南芥磷脂酶C研究

摘要 : 2015年9月4日在国际植物学权威期刊The Plant Journal在线发表武汉大学吴燕教授研究组以博士生李林为第一作者的研究论文“Arabidopsis PLC2 is involved in auxin-modulated reproductive development”。

2015年9月4日在国际植物学权威期刊The plant Journal在线发表武汉大学吴燕教授研究组以博士生李林为第一作者的研究论文“Arabidopsis PLC2 is involved in auxin-modulated reproductive development”。

在植物的生殖发育过程中,生长素水平直接影响着雌、雄配子的发育,以及受精后的胚胎发育;因此,植物体内生长素含量的高低对整个生殖发育过程起着至关重要的指导作用。通过我们的研究,发现在生殖发育过程中,拟南芥Phospholipids C2 (PLC2) 直接参与了调控植物体内生长素水平的平衡。无论是在雄配子的发育过程中还是在雌配子的发育过程中,PLC2可以通过影响YUCCA基因的表达实现对体内生长素合成的调节。因此,PLC2功能的发挥与植物育性密切相关。


ArABIdopsis PLC2 is involved in auxin-modulated reproductive development


Phospholipase C (PLC) is an enzyme that plays crucial roles in various signal transduction pathways in mammalian cells. However, the role of PLC in plant development is poorly understood. Here we report the involvement of PLC2 in auxin-mediated reproductive development in Arabidopsis. Disruption of PLC2 led to sterility, indicating a significant role of PLC2 in the reproductive development. Both male- and female-gametophyte development were severely perturbed in plc2mutants. Moreover, elevated-auxin levels in plc2 floral tissues were observed, suggesting that the infertility of plc2 plants might be associated with the increased auxin concentrations in the reproductive organs. We show that the expression levels of auxin reporters DR5-GUS and DR5-GFP were elevated in plc2 anthers and ovules. In addition, we found that expression of the auxin biosynthetic YUCCA genes were increased in plc2 plants. We conclude that PLC2 is involved in auxin biosynthesis and signaling, thus modulating both male- and female- gametophyte development in Arabidopsis.

DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13016

