Plant Mol Biol:中科院东北地理所在光周期调控大豆开花研究中获

摘要 : Plant Molecular Biology 杂志上发表中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所大豆分子设计育种重点实验室孔凡江研究员题为GmmiR156b overexpression delays flowering time in soybean的研究论文,助理研究员曹东为第一作者。

Plant Molecular biology 杂志上发表中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所大豆分子设计育种重点实验室孔凡江研究员题为GmmiR156b overexpression delays flowering time in soybean的研究论文,助理研究员曹东为第一作者。

中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所大豆分子设计育种重点实验室在microRNA172/GmTOE4a途径(Plant Mol Biol,2015)之后,又发现了miR156/GmSPL途径,在大豆光周期开花方面取得了研究进展。

研究人员在大豆中成功克隆了miR156b,长日照条件下(16小时光照/8小时黑暗)转基因株系延迟开花,并且下调表达开花相关基因GmAP1、GmLFY2、GmLFY2、GmFULs、GmSOC1s、GmFT5a 和 GmmiR172;然而,短日照条件下(12小时光照/12小时黑暗),GmFULs、GmSOC1a 和 GmSOC1b 基因并没有发生变化。同时,研究发现大豆生育期基因E1、E2、E3 和 E4 均能够促进miR156b的表达,而miR156b却抑制 E1 和 E2 的表达。最后,提出了miR156b所参与的大豆光周期调控开花途径。该研究对于大豆光周期途径中关键基因的挖掘和调控网络的研究具有重要的意义。



GmmiR156b overexpression delays flowering time in soybean


Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is an important crop used for human consumption, animal feed and biodiesel fuel. Wering time and maturity significantly affect soybean grain yield. In Arabidopsis thaliana, miR156 has been proposed to regulate the transition from the juvenile to the adult phase of shoot development, which is accompanied by changes in vegetative morphology and an increase in reproductive potential. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying miR156 function in soybean flowering remain unknown. Here, we report that the overexpression of GmmiR156b delays flowering time in soybean. GmmiR156b may target SPL orthologs and negatively regulate GmSPLs, thereby delaying flowering in soybean under LD and natural conditions. GmmiR156b down-regulates several known flowering time regulators in soybean, such as GmAP1 (a, b, c), GmLFY2, GmLFY2, GmFULs, GmSOC1s,GmFT5a, and GmmiR172. These data show that a similar miR156-SPL regulatory module was conserved in the soybean flowering pathway. However, GmFULs, GmSOC1a and GmSOC1b were significantly suppressed under LD conditions but not under SD conditions, which is different in Arabidopsis that these genes were down-regulated irrespective of photoperiod. In addition, GmmiR156b was up-regulated by E1, E2 (GmGI), E3 and E4, which control flowering time and maturity in soybean, and suppressed E1 (E1-Like) and E2 (E2-Like) genes under LD conditions. These data indicated that the miR156-SPL regulatory module was also with some degree of divergent in soybean flowering pathway.


