EMBO Journal:中科院上海生化细胞所王纲研究组揭示转录中介体表观
生命对遗传密码的解读遵循“中心法则”,首先是细胞能够对基因中的遗传密码进行“阅读理解”,即将DNA分子“转录” 产 生RNA分子,进而将RNA分子“翻译”为蛋白质,才能实施各种生命活动。在控制基因“转录”的众多因子中,有一种重要的蛋白复合物叫“中介体”。中介体复合物担当了转录因子与基础转录机器之间的“分子桥梁”,控制DNA通过“转录”生成RNA。另外,DNA或染色质的修饰也能调控基因的转录,即表观遗传学调控。由于染色质中组蛋白的表观遗传修饰的复杂性和多样性,形成了一套类似“密码”的遗传信息,被称为“组蛋白密码”。然而尽管已有多年的研究,但“组蛋白密码”的分子调控机制仍然是生命科学研究中的一个重要问题。
2015年9月1日,国际知名学术期刊《EMBO Journal》在线发表了中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所王纲研究组的最新研究成果。该研究发现,中介体并不局限于参加对“DNA遗传密码”的解读,还能参与对“组蛋白密码”的调节控制,从而精细控制与细胞命运紧密相关的基因表达。该项研究工作得到美国洛克菲勒大学Robert Roeder实验室,及中科院上海植物逆境生物学研究中心傅兴博士的大力协助,研究数据收集工作得到生化与细胞所公共技术服务中心分子平台、细胞平台的支持。
The Mediator subunit MED23 couples H2B mono‐ubiquitination to transcriptional control and Cell fate determination
The Mediator complex orchestrates multiple transcription factors with the Pol II apparatus for precise transcriptional control. However, its interplay with the surrounding chromatin remains poorly understood. Here, we analyze differential histone modifications between WT and MED23−/− (KO) cells and identify H2B mono‐ubiquitination at lysine 120 (H2Bub) as a MED23‐dependent histone modification. Using tandem affinity purification and mass spectrometry, we find that MED23 associates with the RNF20/40 complex, the enzyme for H2Bub, and show that this association is critical for the recruitment of RNF20/40 to chromatin. In a cell‐free system, Mediator directly and substantially increases H2Bub on recombinant chromatin through its cooperation with RNF20/40 and the PAF complex. Integrative genome‐wide analyses show that MED23 depletion specifically reduces H2Bub on a subset of MED23‐controlled genes. Importantly, MED23‐coupled H2Bub levels are oppositely regulated during myogenesis and lung carcinogenesis. In sum, these results establish a mechanistic link between the Mediator complex and a critical chromatin modification in coordinating transcription with cell growth and differentiation.
DOI 10.15252/embj.201591279