
以‘沈农STK’和‘沈农皱40’两个脆皮糯玉米自交系为试材,以普通糯玉米自交系为对照,对果皮品质进行比较研究。结果表明:‘沈农STK’和‘沈农皱40’鲜食期的果皮具有明显的脆性,食之脆而柔嫩,无皮渣。对成熟籽粒进行果皮剥离试验,同样表现出脆而容易撕碎;两个脆皮自交系的果皮厚度与普通糯玉米相近,但果皮硬度、拉力值大大下降。果皮硬度和单位厚度的硬度值分别仅为普通糯玉米的1/3和1/2.8,果皮拉力和单位厚度的拉力值均是普通糯玉米的1/2;果皮硬度、拉力与厚度之间无相关关系。研究认为,果皮的脆质化育种可作为解决甜糯玉米果皮问题的新途径。 英文摘要: Pericarp quality of waxy corn inbred lines of two brittle pericarp waxy corn inbred lines and other normal waxy corn inbred lines were compared in this paper. The result indicated that the fresh pericarp of Shennong STL and Shennong Zhou40 had significantly brittlesness which tasted brittle and no skin-residues. Pericarp also showed brittleness when stripping away from the mature grain. The pericarp thickness of the two brittle pericarp waxy corn inbred lines were similar to normal waxy corn, while there were significant reduction about the pericarp hardness and rupture force. Pericarp hardness and pericarp hardness/ thickness ratio were 1/3 and 1/2.8 to normal waxy corn, respectively. Pericarp rupture force and pericarp rupture force/ thickness ratio was 1/2 to normal waxy corn. Pericarp hardness and rupture force had no significant correlation to pericarp thickness. The result also indicated that pericarp brittleness breeding can be a good way to solve the pericarp quality of fresh corn.