
摘要 : 近日,《PNAS》在线发表武汉大学生态学系赵华斌教授研究组在动物进化与生态适应研究方向取得新研究进展文章

近日,《PNAS》在线发表武汉大学生态学系赵华斌教授研究组在动物进化与生态适应研究方向取得新研究进展文章,论文题目为:Sympatric speciation revealed by genome-wide divergence in the blind mole rat Spalax 。武汉大学生命科学学院硕博连读生洪炜同学为共同第一作者,硕士生焦恒武同学为第二作者,赵华斌为共同通讯作者,武汉大学为第一完成单位。


该研究组近期还在进化生物学期刊《Genome Biololgy and evolution》发表一篇论文,题目为Birds GENErally carry a small repertoire of bitter taste receptor genes,武汉大学生命科学学院博士生汪凯同学为第一作者,其导师赵华斌为第二作者。鸟类是地球上物种多样性最丰富的四足类脊椎动物,其食性也非常多样。利用最新发表的48种鸟类基因组,汪凯同学通过基因组挖掘和分子进化分析发现,鸟类的苦味受体基因很少,提示鸟类的味觉功能退化。然而,该研究还发现,鸟类苦味受体基因的数目和其食物中有毒物质(通常为苦味)的含量具有显著的正相关关系,提示鸟类的苦觉仍然能分辨出食物中的有毒物质,食性偏好是鸟类味觉基因进化的主要推动力。因此,苦觉仍然是鸟类防止摄食有毒有害食物的重要防御机制。


Sympatric speciation revealed by genome-wide divergence in the blind mole rat Spalax


Sympatric speciation (SS), i.e., speciation within a freely breeding population or in contiguous populations, was first proposed by Darwin [Darwin C (1859) On the Origins of Species by Means of Natural Selection] and is still controversial despite theoretical support [Gavrilets S (2004) Fitness Landscapes and the Origin of Species (MPB-41)] and mounting empirical evidence. Speciation of subterranean mammals generally, including the genus Spalax, was considered hitherto allopatric, whereby new species arise primarily through geographic isolation. Here we show in Spalax a case of genome-wide divergence analysis in mammals, demonstrating that SS in continuous populations, with gene flow, encompasses multiple widespread genomic adaptive complexes, associated with the sharply divergent ecologies. The two abutting soil populations of S. galili in northern Israel habituate the ancestral Senonian chalk population and abutting derivative Plio-Pleistocene basalt population. Population divergence originated ∼0.2–0.4 Mya based on both nuclear and mitochondrial genome analyses. Population structure analysis displayed two distinctly divergent clusters of chalk and basalt populations. Natural selection has acted on 300+ genes across the genome, diverging Spalax chalk and basalt soil populations. Gene ontology enrichment analysis highlights strong but differential soil population adaptive complexes: in basalt, sensory perception, musculature, metabolism, and energetics, and in chalk, nutrition and neurogenetics are outstanding. Population differentiation of chemoreceptor genes suggests intersoil population's mate and habitat choice substantiating SS. Importantly, distinctions in protein degradation may also contribute to SS. Natural selection and natural genetic engineering [Shapiro JA (2011) Evolution: A View From the 21st Century] overrule gene flow, evolving divergent ecological adaptive complexes. Sharp ecological divergences abound in nature; therefore, SS appears to be an important mode of speciation as first envisaged by Darwin [Darwin C (1859) On the Origins of Species by Means of Natural Selection].

doi: 10.1073/pnas.1514896112

