Nucleic Acids Res:化妆品能引起老鼠的转基因表达

摘要 : 最近国际著名学术期刊《Nucleic Acids Research》发表来自瑞士巴塞尔大学的研究人员的一项研究,研究指出通过化学物质苯甲酸酯来打开和关闭转基因。

最近国际著名学术期刊《Nucleic Acids Research》发表来自瑞士巴塞尔大学的研究人员的一项研究,研究指出通过化学物质苯甲酸酯来打开和关闭转基因。现在研究人员,发现了一种比较简单的方式来切换转基因表达的开关,这是靶向治疗发展过程中的一大进步。这种方法所需要的就是——淋浴。

巴塞尔大学生物工程学家Martin Fussenegger指出:“在未来,基于细胞的疗法,需要非常精确地控制转基因的表达,以适应患者疾病的需求和动态。”要做到这一点,Fussenegger和他的研究团队研发出了一种“设计师”细胞,能够植入人体,并通过远程触发器打开或关闭它们。Fussenegger说:“这不是你吞下一种药物,因为它将首先被肝脏清除。这种方法比注射更好,注射是侵入性的。”根据Fussenegger介绍,透皮给药,是拨入可靠剂量的蛋白治剂的唯一非侵入性方法。苯甲酸酯是植物抗菌药物,经常被用作化妆品中的防腐剂,可作为一种理想的触发化合物,因为它能快速迁移通过皮肤,进入血液。另一个优势在于,它们已经通过FDA批准,用于现成的日化产品,如沐浴露、护手霜和爽肤水。

苯甲酸酯可破坏病原体丁香假单胞菌(Pseudomonas syringae)中的一个代谢途径,这会导致番茄植株上的细菌性斑点。利用苯甲酸酯的这种敏感性相互作用,Fussenegger和他的同事们设计了一组哺乳动物基因开关,可让苯甲酸酯敏感的转基因在各种各样的人类细胞系中表达。




Cosmetics-triggered percutaneous remote control of transgene expression in mice


Synthetic biology has significantly advanced the rational design of trigger-inducible gene switches that program cellular behavior in a reliable and predictable manner. Capitalizing on genetic componentry, including the repressor PmeR and its cognate operator OPmeR, that has evolved in Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato DC3000 to sense and resist plant-defence metabolites of the paraben class, we have designed a set of inducible and repressible mammalian transcription-control devices that could dose-dependently fine-tune transgene expression in mammalian cells and mice in response to paraben derivatives. With an over 60-years track record as licensed preservatives in the cosmetics industry, paraben derivatives have become a commonplace ingredient of most skin-care products including shower gels, cleansing toners and hand creams. As parabens can rapidly reach the bloodstream of mice following topical application, we used this feature to percutaneously program transgene expression of subcutaneous designer cell implants using off-the-shelf commercial paraben-containing skin-care cosmetics. The combination of non-invasive, transdermal and orthogonal trigger-inducible remote control of transgene expression may provide novel opportunities for dynamic interventions in future gene and cell-based therapies.

DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkv326

作者:Martin Fussenegger
