
摘要 : 荷兰In2Care组织科研人员报告说,一种杀虫剂应用方法改善了杀虫剂针对具有耐药性的蚊子的有效性。

荷兰In2Care组织科研人员报告说,一种杀虫剂应用方法改善了杀虫剂针对具有耐药性的蚊子的有效性。对传统杀虫剂的耐药性阻碍了对诸如疟疾、登革热和西尼罗河病毒等由蚊子传播的疾病的控制。Marit Farenhorst及其同事开发了一种方法克服杀虫剂耐药性的方法,他们使用最初被开发用于捕获空气传播的花粉的具有静电涂层的网,在其上涂有杀虫剂。与未经处理的表面相比,这种带电荷的表面与杀虫剂颗粒的结合更有效,因此增加了杀虫剂转移到在这个表面上着陆的蚊子上的数量。这组作者观察到,与暴露在商品化杀虫剂网中的蚊子相比,暴露在静电网上的杀虫剂中的杀虫剂耐药性蚊子的死亡率更高。对于某些杀虫剂耐药性品种,这种静电网杀死了100%的蚊子,而传统的网杀死了不到10%的蚊子。静电网诱导产生了比传统网显著更高的死亡率,即便暴露时间短至5秒,或者用于处理网的杀虫剂剂量是传统网的1/15。这种静电涂层改善了多类杀虫剂的有效性,证明了这种涂层的通用适用性。这组作者说,静电涂层与杀虫剂的这种组合可能极大地改善对蚊子传播疾病的控制。


Electrostatic coating enhances bioavailABIlity of insecticides and breaks pyrethroid resistance in mosquitoes


Insecticide resistance poses a significant and increasing threat to the control of malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases. We present a novel method of insecticide application based on netting treated with an electrostatic coating that binds insecticidal particles through polarity. Electrostatic netting can hold small amounts of insecticides effectively and results in enhanced bioavailability upon contact by the insect. Six pyrethroid-resistant Anopheles mosquito strains from across Africa were exposed to similar concentrations of deltamethrin on electrostatic netting or a standard long-lasting deltamethrin-coated bednet (PermaNet 2.0). Standard WHO exposure bioassays showed that electrostatic netting induced significantly higher mortality rates than the PermaNet, thereby effectively breaking mosquito resistance. Electrostatic netting also induced high mortality in resistant mosquito strains when a 15-fold lower dose of deltamethrin was applied and when the exposure time was reduced to only 5 s. Because different types of particles adhere to electrostatic netting, it is also possible to apply nonpyrethroid insecticides. Three insecticide classes were effective against strains of Aedes and Culex mosquitoes, demonstrating that electrostatic netting can be used to deploy a wide range of active insecticides against all major groups of disease-transmitting mosquitoes. Promising applications include the use of electrostatic coating on walls or eave curtains and in trapping/contamination devICEs. We conclude that application of electrostatically adhered particles boosts the efficacy of WHO-recommended insecticides even against resistant mosquitoes. This innovative technique has potential to support the use of unconventional insecticide classes or combinations thereof, potentially offering a significant step forward in managing insecticide resistance in vector-control operations.

doi: 10.1073/PNAS.1510801112

作者:Rob Andriessen
